Tyranids vs. Astra Militarum and Grey Knights in this video bat rep. Raw Dogger takes on InControl! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps.

Tyranids vs. Astra Militarum and Grey Knights in this video bat rep. Raw Dogger takes on InControl! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps.
I love inControls army. It looks mint and is total filth.
Are you a bit rusty Geoff?
You absolutely do lose if at the end of a game turn you have nothing on the table. (Rukebook page 133)
Also you can deep strike onto the top of a hill. The issue should have been cleared up pre game but since the guard (and more interestingly a fortification) were deployed on it at the start it sort of implies you weren’t calling them impassable.
Nah, not rusty, Geoff is just a really bad player! Haha =P
This really bad player is upset if reece goes on beyond turn 3 and isn’t tabled
Yeah on both accounts we cleared it up after the game. Rules disputes like this happen all the time.. rules that seem super basic to others are encountered or at the time are more confusing to some. No need to ask if I am “rusty” i play more games in a month than you do in a year I would suspect
Damn Geoff, you seemed super bummed after being seized! If I were you in that situation I would have deployed the mucolids on the board – spread out, far back and in the ruins for 2+ cover. that way you would have denied FB as they don’t give up VP’s should he seize on you ( 1 in 3 chance is good odds to me) plus with their shrouded they are uber tough buggers to remove.
would have saved you that first casualty and denied RD two turns ( and you one)
something to consider for future games!
on another note, cheer up you big goth!
His army has a bunch of ignores cover and I had no LOS blocking terrain to hide on + he has DS turn 1 capabilities so he would table 4 mucloids with flamers/ignores cover easily. I had to deploy some stuff out there and outside of flyrants I probably would get tabled.. I was kinda forced to do that.
Getting Seized on always kinda sucks. Especially when you set up for a wonderful first turn strike like that.
About the GK list, I don’t really understand what the IG detachment adds. An objective camping unit is understandable, but I don’t feel like they really contributed to the game in any meaningful way. Unless the idea was to just get the Wyvern on the table? I’m just not a fan of IG gunlines like that, I’ve never seen them contribute a lot other than soak some shots.
I imagine there are a few reasons for the AM detachment. One, vendettas are still good AA tools (when used intelligently of course
). Also, 3 ignores cover lascannons are good for putting the hurt on wave serpents, while using the rest of the bodies for ablative wounds. And as you mentioned, the wyvern adds solid anti-infantry.
Ehh, wave serpents may not be a problem Sooon
nope thats true! as for the rest of the Eldar codex! well…
Mawlocs can arrive and hit models from either side in CC… they are not targeting anything.
The phermone trail ability of the Lictors only works if they were on the board at the beginning of the turn (can’t remember if Geoff’s Lictors were on-board before the Mawlocs came on).
Correct. I did use the Lictor / pheromone trail correctly (Lictor must already be on the table not arrive that turn)
If GK player has the strike force detachment and a ally detachment, a fortification is not allowed. Need a CAD for that.
NSF has a slot for fortifications
Way to bring it back Geoff, even though you felt down and out, you stuck it out and pulled it off!
Jason, well, builds character I guess. Seriously dude, I thought you had that one set up pretty well for sure. Being a little too aggressive with that Vendetta may have cost you more than anything. Ah well, next time right?
I meant no offence incontrol. Only that you are usually pretty sharp on these things. You probably do play more than me.
Really enjoyed the battle report. Your Nid army is very similar to the one I’ve been using lately. It’s a really fun flexible list. I didn’t mind the trapdoor spider style thing but this more aggressive way of playing is tons cooler.
The new studio is a huge improvement! Look forward to more!
Glad you like it!
Tabled yourself?