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SAWS Fantasy Tournament Info


Josh, the SAWS TO, wants to get the word out about this long running event!

Hello Fantasy Players,

I’ve been silent longer than I’d hoped, so first I want to remind you all that SAWS will be held at Great Escape Games on May 30th and 31st.

As of right now Sign Ups are open.  If you want to sign up, just reply to this message and I will send you a paypall invoice.  Your next questions must be, what are the rules to SAWS 2015.  The answer to that is both simple and complex.  Rules are almost done, and I hope to have them on the website soon.  However, I didn’t want to deny those of you whose loyalty surpasses the rules and as a reward, the entry price will be slightly reduced between now and when the website goes up.  So for those who email me now, the price will be $50.00.  After the website is up, the price will be $55.00.  Those of you who choose to wait until May will be required to pay $60.00.

To sign up, I just need your Name and if you like Army and Club.

Now, just because the final rules aren’t done and available, doesn’t mean I can’t give you a taste.

The rules for the event will be standard 8th edition, and while we will be using the most up to date FAQs we will not be using End Times.  However, I do see a number of good ideas in those books, so expect a few minor changes to some armies.  Our theme this year will be that of change.  8th is likely coming to an end to be reborn as 9th.  One TO is stepping down to hopefully be replaced by another for the future… As such, our missions will be themed accordingly.

The Rising Dead – in which your troops present a higher level of loyalty.

Infected – where you my choose to bestow a blessing upon your opponent.

Winds of Magic – there is power here, can you use it before it slips through your fingers?

Rats Warren – the search for hidden possibilities

Divine Intervention – where a champion is born to lead your people into the future

While many of the unique aspects of SAWS will be maintained, a few changes will be included.

To start, instead of a TO designed composition system, I will be only providing a checklist through which first day pairings will be determined.  Rounds 2 and 3 will also be based on your prior round scores, but this score will also factor in.  Club protection will also factor into Day 1.

This year there will be a club challenge prize.  Each club will be required to nominate a champion but will not need to do so until the morning of the event.

I hope that I have managed to tease your interest and that you will join us for SAWS 2015 and into the future.


Josh Rosenstein

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