After months or preparations and planning, it’s just about show time! The Frontline Gaming crew is hitting the road!
We come by land, we come by air and, well, maybe not by sea, but we curse like sailors so I’ll say that counts!
We’ve checked and double checked our lists, made more terrain than I’d care to remember, packed the gear, tried to plan for every contingency and slept not much, but are super excited to be heading out to join you all for an awesome three days of gaming and fun.
This site will be updated as regularly as possible with updates and hopefully photos and videos. We’ll also be posting round pairings and results for some of the main events. That means players can get their pairings off of the flg site, and those that can’t make it can see who’s playing whom. And of course, Sunday is our streaming debut. Wish us luck! A lot of that will be trial by fire, lol, so bear with us and give us any constructive criticism on how you think we could improve.
Thanks, and away we go!
Best of luck, everyone.
You have to make it down for it sometime buddy
See you tomorrow! Can’t wait!
Have a great time fellas!
My Wraiths and I fly in on Thursday, hope you are all setup by then!
LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Seriously… friday can’t come soon enough
All your base are belong to us!
gl hf. If I see anyone else walking around the airport with an army transport case I will assume we are friends.
If I see anyone else walking around with an army case, I will assume we are DEADLY FOES TO THE DEATH! TO THE DEATH!!!!!!
I’m here! Mine made it through TSA! Awww yeah! Which of the convention centers in flamingo are we actually at?
Good luck, and may the best Bug win!
The Hive Mind will be triumphant, Pig or Geoff all the way!
Have a great time guys! next year this is going to be my Gencon now that i live in Cali. So keep it up!
Super pumped about the ongoing coverage of the event. I’ll be checking the site regularly. Good luck guys!
Super pumped out here in Vegas having a good time with the fellas
Showing up tonight. First time to LVO, really looking forward to it, and to hanging out with people.
OrdoFanaticus – Portland
Good luck Gentleman! I look forward watching the stream on Sunday since I cant be there (a deep personal Sadness)
Good luck to all the great people i met last year and will miss hanging out this year – I will see you next year however!
to all you new folks who this is your first LVO – great choice for your first GT, Good luck, and Never Surrender!
Best of luck chaps!
looking forward to hearing all the coverage over the next few days, especially pumped for the streaming on Sunday! 
What filthy lists are people gonna be taking?
I am taking…
9 killa kans
3 deff dreads
one mega dread
one gorkanaut
one stompa
one kff big mek
8 tea light explosion markers to the friendly! #orkwalkers4life
I am brimming with anticipation. Sorry Geoff, but you aren’t going to take Best Tyranids this time around.
I didn’t know he did it last year
Super pumped! All checked in and ready to help set up!
Leaving me hanging guys! GIMME SOME UPDATES.