Space Wolves Special
- Space Wolf strengths.
- Excellent troops: Blood Claws or Grey Hunters?
- HQs: What to take and what to avoid?
- Shooting and assault.
- What are your strategies for winning games with Wolves?
- Space Wolf weaknesses.
- What would you like to see Space Wolves have that they don’t?
- What lists give you the most trouble as a Space Wolf player?
- Key Units to focus on.
- Stormwolf: Excellent unit.
- Ironwolves.
- Thunderlords.
- Long Fangs: still worth it?
- Key wargear items to look at.
- What items do you guys use?
- Space Wolf List strategies.
- Go TAC or Extreme?
- Champions of Fenris supplement.
- Incredible variety, tons of fun, powerful, themed lists.
I vote you guys do Imperial Guard next!!!
Maybe we will =)
I would say let meon. But I’m a noon at guard.
although….maybe something to mix it up. Let a new to army player in so theyes CA give a new perspective
These have been great so far! Really liking the special episodes
Glad you Liked it!
Really good review, enjoyed listening to it, keep up the good work.
WOW FRANKIE lol.. you seemed to leave out the detail I had the game won on 5 with your WL running like a bitch and then we tested and played turn 7 where I also handily beat you with my SW
Yes you went ballsy on 6 and we tied but that is the folly of a lesser general not my fault BOOOOOOOM HEAD SHOTTTTTTTTTTTT
Nice cast as always
I really do enjoy this more in depth style of a show.
Frankie has a selective memory! haha
But Geoff you are forgetting that I was winning on turn 1-4. Haha the game didnt end till 6 so that is all that matters. And you’re welcome you just needed the tie after the two butt kickings you got served by Grant!!! Boom Son!!
Also, what is this about eating a live shark?
We were just joking, buddy =)
False advertising? Really, I didnt knew you rolled that way
OK, screw it, I’m eating that live shark!!!!! Banzai!!
I really enjoyed this. It was very helpful for people thinking of trying out SW’s.
Awesome! Glad it was useful for you.
Is running Ceremite on the Sicarans worth it?
I plan on running 2 with my Dark Angels (@1750 & 1850) using side Heavy Bolters, but I might consider using side Lascannons with the “Battle of Sarosh” Legacy you mentioned.
Also, excellent show as always!
Great SW review guys, thanx! Fenrisian wolves are the same points as last dex though
Glad you liked it, and Fenresian Wolves may have stayed the same, I honestly can’t remember.
Great podcast guys! Massive Space Wolf Fan so loving it!
Point on eternal warrior and psychic powers – chuck a rune priest in a nice big Thunderwolf Squad with Biomancy, aiming for endurance – that’ll give everything in the squad Eternal Warrior and 4+ FNP – if your lucky enough to roll life leech as well, enjoy the look on your opponents face when your 3++, 4+ FNP eternal warrior squad bounding straight across the board heals itself – chucking a IC with a 2+ armour save in front to tank the majority of non AP2 weapons . Puts it in psychic Death Star territory – only snag is reliability of being able to get the powers off
haha, yea they are a lot of fun. Instead of invisibility i use Grey Knights as a battery and run two M3 librarians in with 6 power fist/storm shield ThunderCav. 2 Rune priests to try and get endurance. Then you have 2+ invul, EW and 4+ FNP, if your lucky enough to roll the powers you want. The unit will destroy anything in CC but once your below critical mass your screwed.
I have actually been having a lot of fun with a Rune Priest with the Helm of Durfast and combimelta, in a pod with some dudes. Roll once on the SW tree for living lightning and on whatever other tree. It’s fun to drop in with LL that is twin-linked with ignore cover and same for the combi melta at another vehicle.
A group of Dominions for Sisters of Battle with 4 melta guns in a FA pod can be fairly funny as well.
Why waste it on dominions? They already have scout. Take three dominions in melta immolators and retributors with rending hvy flamers in the pods. Hell even basic SOB squads or a priest bomb might be solid options.
BTW – This pod cast was great. Do more of these!