Reecius and z3inst play a game of Infinity, Morat vs. Aleph on the new HiTech CIty F.A.T. Mat! Please forgive any rules errors as Reecius is a n00b at Infinity. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!

Reecius and z3inst play a game of Infinity, Morat vs. Aleph on the new HiTech CIty F.A.T. Mat! Please forgive any rules errors as Reecius is a n00b at Infinity. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
For those familiar with the game we proxied a few of the models to bring us close to 150. We also used Super Jump instead of Combat Jump for the Rasyat, to keep things simple (hence no camo, etc)
Thanks for the clarification and the fun game!
Also we were using what we know of the 3rd edition rules, such as the new weapon ranges, loss of Lt, retreat, etc
Will do!
Hell yeah more infinity content please!!!
Awesome! Looking forward to more Infinity!
Glad you liked it!
Iso that the average size of an infinity force?
That is a little small, typically you have around 10 models or so. It is a skirmish level game.
Ehhh, skirmish can be misleading. Some 35 pt khador armies have more then some 40k armies
40k is still a skirmish game
I would argue that 40k has become a company level game.
Although this piqued my interest. Seemed very cinematic. With Actual Firefights. Seemed like a video game on the tabletop.
That is exactly how it plays, too.
If you want a one man (or woman, or machine) army, that ALEPH player should break out an Asura (or two!) next game, those things are monstrous.
Nice, will have to try that!