Hello everyone Frankie here to talk a little bit about the new Dark Eldar codex. I’ve been hearing a lot of negative things about Dark Eldar and for some reason a lot of people think they got nerfed? Anyway, let’s dive in. As always, check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews!
So first we have the HQ’s. We unfortunately did lose two key characters in the book. The first one we lost which was by far the most popular Dark Eldar Character in the book, was The Baron. I think he was probably the biggest disappointment for the 40k community. He was so cheap and was probably the the greatest ally for the Eldar codex. The other key character they lost was Vect, by far my favorite. He was so much fun and helped me to win so many games. Now the HQ’s in the book are a pretty big let down. They are not beat sticks but instead boost other units. The best HQ in the book would have to be the Haemonculus. He can take the webway portal which is game changing, especially allied with Eldar. Just imagine 10 Fire Dragons deepstriking without scattering. He also increases the power from pain by one while in a Dark Eldar unit. Over all I think they did lose a bit in the HQ slot.
Now for the Elite slot. Not a whole lot changed in this slot. Grotesques are about the same but gain a lot from “Power from Pain.” Wracks unfortunately cannot be take as troops anymore but why would you now that you have to pay for 5 and they are for sure worse. Incubi went down in points but now have no way of getting Grenades, it’s too bad because the models are amazing. Mandrakes got a pretty big boost now that they automatically get their shooting attack, and also have stealth and shrouded. I don’t think you will see them in very many armies but at least they got better, right?
Fast Attack is where this book gained a lot. Raiders and Venom’s technically didn’t change much except for moving to this slot. But in all of my armies they got cheaper since you no longer purchase night shields. I am not saying night shields are bad I just don’t personally take them to try and save a 2 hull point, armor 10 vehicle. So now that you can take the transports in the fast slot and as transports you can field way more vehicles with massive firepower. Reaver’s got a huge boost gaining skilled rider and getting a crazy upgrade to their hammer of wrath. I would for sure take a little 3 man unit if I ever had an extra 48 points. They would be great to run around and pick up maelstorm points. Hellions are pretty bad. Now without having access to the Baron they are just not worth there points. They did go down in points but still not worth it for what you get. Scourges and beast packs changed a bit. Both got cheaper and have a variety of different options. I love the choices they give you in this book. Scourges have a use with some haywire blasters, my only concern is that their save sucks and they are still pricey. The Beast pack now only has to take one beast master which is how they got cheaper. But again without access to the Baron I do not think they are worth it. Now the real gem in this slot the Razorwing Jetfighter. Worth every point and is always a game changer in my games. It isn’t very expensive for the amount of damage it puts out. I always buy the splinter cannon on this beast so that it has extra punch and to help kill FMCs.
Troops. Haha unfortunately they found a way to make Wyche’s worse. A Wych unit can only take one haywire grenade…haha! And other than that they stayed the exact same. So lame because a Wych cult army would be so much fun. Kabalite warriors got better, which is crazy. They went down 1 point each. So not only did their transports get cheaper but they themselves went down some points. CRAZY!! They were already really good.
In heavy support we have the Talos, which is an amazing unit. It’s like having a bunch of Arnold’s running around. I think you need to run at least two in a unit so they can survive some shooting and you always give them the ichor injector. The Talos are cheap and pack a huge punch, especially with their twin-linked tail guns. Cronos on the other hand I am really unsure of, I want to take one to walk next to my Talos but I just think that would be a waste of points. It does make the Talos much more survivable but would just be target number one for opponents and likely give up first blood. Ravagers did go up about 10 points but are still worth their points. They pack a big punch for their point cost and give you some long ranged anti vehicle shooting. The Voidraven Bomber is a little rich for my blood. I do like the strength 9 lances, but I just don’t think it would ever make its points back.
So that is a break down of most of the units in the book. Overall it does look like Dark Eldar lost which is why I think people are saying they are bad. But if you look at the Formations and Detachments they gained from both books the possibilities with this army are endless. You can do Venom spam much better than you ever could before. You can field an air force army which would be really good. You can do a monster mash list with a bunch of Talos, would be fun but maybe not the best. You can take a bunch of units you wouldn’t before and do very well with all of them. In my opinion my Dark Eldar got way better and are a lot more fun. I take the Corpsethief Claw which is probably the best formation in the Haemonculus Covens book. It gives you 5 Talos in a unit with scout, and any unit they kill in close combat gives you 1 victory point. I of course give them all the Ichor Injectors which make them Fleshbane and instant death on a 6. I keep the twin linked splinter cannon on their tail and it works really well. Anyways I love Dark Eldar and I am so happy they got a boost. Let me know what you guys think of the new dex.