Check out the awesome new Urban Zone F.A.T. Mat, designed for Dropzone Commander! Reecius busts out Scourge vs. Rich’s PHR in this 1,500pt battle! These mats will be available for pre-order Monday, November 10th in the Frontline Gaming webcart. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!

Great game last night, Reece! Now I’m like 2 for 16!
The mat looks Fugging Amazing! Lots of fun to play on and very highly detailed. You will sell a billion of them!
Very fun game, Rich! Glad you like the mat. I got owned! haha
Nice batrep. My last game went something like that. Lucky for me it was my PHR opponent, that rolled bad.
Are the DZC FatMats available in Europe too?
Thx 4 the report.
Sweet map. If I order one and some one from team zero comp goes to renegade, can I get it then?
I don’t know who/if anyone from the team is going to Renegade, yet.
Nice Batrep, GREAT mat!!!! Definitely ordering one Monday! Already have 2, this may is just icing on the gaming-cake!!! Thanks for making such a great product!!! (End gushing plug)
Very happy to please you!
Awesome report!
Damn PHR, if you don’t alpha strike them, they tend to win the protracted battles of attrition.
I never lost to them with my UCM, but with Scourge it was a lot more daunting to close the distance to get into kill range.