We are super excited to start to pull the veil back on some of our new developments! TableWar and Frontline Gaming are extremely proud to launch the next series of F.A.T. Mats, and this is just a taste of what is to come. Stay tuned for more information and pre-orders!
Is miniautres gaming a French thing? What are you, un-American? USA USA USA
Sweet can’t wait. When you guys gonna want your own series of terrian to go along with these mats
Very cool. With the Mecha Front minis arriving soon I will be in need of another of your fine mats.
DZC map?
consider it bought!
Ohhh, you guys are releasing tiny buildings that look like the ones in the DzC starter set? 😛
Congrats on expanding the line, guys!
Cock Teaser. Just show us the goods, none of this GW preview crapola. Wait, maybe you should make a video with music (thinking “the mob rules” by black sabbath), but not actually show the mats off. 😉
Haha, the GW teaser vids are pretty crummy, lol!
Great idea Reece. These won’t be as good sellers as the others… But they’ll go. I’ll buy one fo sho.
Thanks! I think this one will actually sell pretty well as there is nothing else like it in the market place, but, we’ll see. It works for Heavy Gear, Robotech, even 6mm games, honestly.