Reecius plays an iron Hands list against the Rucky brother’s Grey Knights with Imperial Knight ally! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!

Reecius plays an iron Hands list against the Rucky brother’s Grey Knights with Imperial Knight ally! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
reece always gets seized on.. such a sick tradition lol
Thats how I got on the team and superior generalship lol
Lol, I know, right! haha
All marine armies are better with Sicaran
Best medium tank in the game.
Very fun to watch – excellent report !
Glad you liked it!
that brother captain couldn’t have run down the marine squad…. he was in termy armour correct?
The bat reps are getting better every time, liking the swish turn graphics;)
Can’t wait to have go again in february… maybe in the new store!!!!
Yeah, it was fun to play the borthers! That seize screwed me, but, I always get seized on in Bat Reps, lol.
And correct, couldn’t run me down with termy armor. Oh well!
Not just that, but you’ve got ATSKNF also.
I am just getting old and forgetful, lol!
Nice Batrep. Rough luck on the seize.
Happens a lot in bat reps I am in for some reason.
Didn’t hear a bus the entire game till right at the end. Was getting worried.
It was a day of odd occurrences =P
Did Reece just get clubbed by a baby seal there, or is it just my mind growing senile with age?
Nope, I got owned! haha
So infiltrate with a unit with a dedicated transport will override the non-vehicle stipulation on the warlord trait? Sounds gamey, not saying its wrong, but its seems like it would apply to dedicated transports too. Of course that is just my opinion, and I also firmly believe that Planet of the Apes was a future documentary sent back in time, to warn us.
We also play it like Reece here in Spain… The non-vehicle thing would still apply for things like Leman Russes, etc.
yeah I can kinda see that, and like I said I am not saying its wrong, just never thought of it that way. I saw ‘non-vehicle units’ and assumed that meant any vehicle was not permitted to make use of that ability. I still feel like it can be viewed either way really
How much benefit was “It Will Not Die” special rule on your characters?
Didn’t really come up, honestly.
Thnx for all your extra effort, luv the Battle reports.