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Maelstrom Go Back, a 40k rap by CaptainA


(Sung to the tune of Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot)

I hate Mael-strom and I cannot lie!

Even though other brothers still deny

When you pull out those cards

On the very turn one and the points go up to 9?

I get hung

Wanna jump off the cliff

Cause you know the game is already done

Those Maelstrom make me swearin

Cause random sure ain’t fair-in

Oh baby!

I wanna 52 ya

Reecey and G tried to warn me

Those cards you got

Fill me with Khorne-y

OOOOH Maelstrom goodness

You say you love that game

Well screw me tattoo me

Cause the game is over and we haven’t even played…

Oh yeah, Captain phAt in the house! Can you dig it! Can you feel it playah! How are you all feeling about book Maelstrom missions now that we’ve settled into 7th ed?

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