InControl’s new Tyranid list featuring a Dimachaeron and Malanthrope from the new IA2 book take on Frankie’s new and improved Thunderdome Space Wolf list in an 1850pt video bat rep! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!

InControl’s new Tyranid list featuring a Dimachaeron and Malanthrope from the new IA2 book take on Frankie’s new and improved Thunderdome Space Wolf list in an 1850pt video bat rep! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
Nice bat rep guys. Those wolves pack a serious punch. I thought Geoff had it in the bag and was surprised how much ridiculous power they put out.
New nids look awesome though…love that friggin scheme!
Glad you enjoyed the rep, and yeah, the back and forth nature of it was fun.
Great bat rep! Those big swings at the end where Geoff was about to win, then lose, then win again were awesome! That was a close one! Keep it up guys!
Glad you liked it!
Boy is that army dumb, lol. Seems fun though.
The only thing dumb is how stupid powerful it can be!
That and people saying “but teh 40K is all shootingz! Dere is no assault armies in teh 40ks!”
Curious to see Thunderdome against Adamantine Lance Kuh-niggits.
Step up to the plate, Reece!
Did I miss the Stormfang and Blood Claws coming in? Didn’t seem like they ever did.
they came in and got shot down immediately. Then I didn’t roll a 1 on the passengers
Hooray! Thanks for the Space Wolves batrep, guys! I hope to see more soon. Hopefully with Santa Grimnar!
One thousand FLG dollars to the man that can tell me how to pronounce DIMACHAERON like dem romans
Dee -Ma -kA-Ron
I say Deh-Mash-Air-On
It’s ancient world Greek/Latin derivative so the CH is pronounced like a “kuh” sound (Chimera = Khimera, NOT Shimera. Personal pet peeve!) and AE is pronounced like an “ay” sound.
So: deemuh – KAY – ron
Eat Da Macaroni.
Ate da Macaroon. Get it right
It’s a gladiator type, one with two swords.
Di – two
Machairi – knives. You can hear someone pronounce this word here:
ie: Trentat’s suggestion:
deemuh – KAY – ron
Out of interest, how are you guys playing the TWLord’s Power Fist, strength 9 or 10?
Frankie plays it as S10.
BTW, it is clear what the intent is. Just look at the entry for the normal TWC. He is S5. Give him a PF or TH and now he is S10. The lords should be no different.
Except the in that int he Thunder wolf entree it clearly says that the +1 str for being mounted on a thunder wolf (a peace of wargear) is already added to there profile. So according to the BRB they are str 9 with a power fist as well
We are reading it as strength 10, but see your point.
But if you read the BRB and the Wolf codex you cant with out changing rules.
Is a Jugger lord with a fist str 10.
Wolf lords had the same issue in 5ed before they FAQd it. This is just GW being GW. ITC makes flat out rules changes all the time so going with an old FAQ ruling until GW does one makes sense.
The rule does not state +1 Strength, if that was the case, you’d be right.
The rule states, “In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).”
This is a flat Statistic upgrade, which in those pesky 7th Edition rules, even without the added bit that states this bonus is already included in the profiles that HAVE a Thunderwolf Mount, is pretty clear. So Lords are Strength 10.
Nit picking rules makes me sad.
Your right it is pretty clear in the BRB flat Statistic upgrades are added after multipliers so str..
Are you seriously trying to argue that a increase to a stat isn’t a modifying it ?
Love the Thunderdome list. It’s a nice change of pace from the pew-pew lists.
What’s this wolf star I keep hearing about? And what does it do?
Did the Warlord die from Overwatch or combat? And do you play that MCs can Overwatch with one or two guns?
A shame that Nids need first turn to win – get the seize and even then just barely eeks it out. Looked like a fun game though.
The ITC FAQ rules you can fire two guns. It is contentious though.
Yeah, we actually used to say just 1, playing it RAW. But, with 7th we changed to allow as many shots with overwatch as you would in the shooting phase for a number of reasons I won’t go into here. But, the argument for allowing it is quite logical, if not obviously apparent at first glance.
His WL died in overwatch and yes MC’s fire both their guns.
What’s with the RomCom background music?