In this 1500pt Challenge Match, Jamie with his farsight Tau calls out Raw Dogger’s Deathwing for a spot on Team Zero Comp! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great videos!

In this 1500pt Challenge Match, Jamie with his farsight Tau calls out Raw Dogger’s Deathwing for a spot on Team Zero Comp! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great videos!
Oh terminators. Love the models…hate the ineffectiveness for the points.
I know, right? But, at 33pts a la GK, I think they are great.
Excellent point. Looking forward to seeing them on the tabletop. I think Nova still had them using the old codex. (not sure though)
Yes, they did. One of the strengths of the new book, IMO, will be Termie spam.
Shadowsun AND Farsight? I thought that was expressly forbidden by the Farsight Enclaves rules.
Two different detachments.
What units are in each?
I don’t know off hand, sorry.
So I see. Who cares if they hate each other, right? For the Greater Good.
Does beating Raw Dogger count? I thought there was a ruling in the Team0Comp bylaws concerning this…
You have to be under 18! lol
Will Dogger be there tommorow? I want on the team
No, he’s super busy with his day job at the moment.
I thought his day job was being snarky and Trolling on the internet.
Haha, no, he just does that for fun =P
“If everyone is special, then nobody is.” -Syndrome
Not at all surprised at that outcome. Raw Dogger you need to give up on Deathwing they never do you justice. On a side note that defies all odds for those Terminators not being able to kill that Riptide.
Yeah, Deathwing just struggle.
Yeah, I think bringing the worst codex with a bad list to test for your team is a bad idea…
I think Raw Dogger underestimated Jamie due to his age. He may have been taking it easy without realizing that Jamie is actually very good.
Space Wolves, please?
One in the pipe, now =)
Always enjoy Jason’s batreps. Full of info and detail. Time to play those termies as Grey Knights
That riptide combat haha
Playing deathwing in this situation is kind of like taking a dive. Nothing better at 1500? What a mis-match.
Your mats are so awesome! So why not align the terrain to mat’s image or use a non-specific mat like your craters, grass or wasteland?
Those buildings in the middle of the road break my mind!
Yeah, sometimes the guys just throw the terrain out because they don’t care. I am the same as you, I like it when it all lines up and looks right.