ArbitorIan all the way from England busts out his gorgeous Chaos army featuring a Helfist Murder Pack vs. Reeciu’s Ogrynstar Astra Militarum with Dark Angels allies in this 1850pt video bat rep! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!

I thought if he let you go first he would not be able to roll to seize?
I sure hope Chaos gets some love from the good ole GW, as the army is really lacking any competitive ability. There’s so much out there CSM has no answer for.
They do struggle, no doubt.
I have to say that I like the new intro. I also was loving the new panning camera work, music, and effects…. and then the typo :). Made me chuckle
Great batrep and I love his army. Very unique approach. Go invis murder squad!
Thanks! And yeah, we’re trying to improve all the time.
I think the CSM go on ‘Cursades’ all the time. Isn’t that like going on a tour and cursing everything along the way? /wink
Lol, can’t believe I missed that typo, haha!
But it was such a hard Narrative Forging typo it worked perfectly! Haha!
Great Bat Rep! It was awesome to see some old school CSM dreads out there. That ogryn combo looks nasty.
really cool conversion/paint job on those daemons! Tough match though. Heldrakes failing to down the vendetta what, 2-3 times with vector strikes is brutal? Needed those to down it in 1-2 and then spend the rest of the game blowing up artillery/flaming troops.
Usually im totally rooting for Reece, but this match i was gunning for Ian representing the UK! Glad to see us Brits making an appearance on Frontline!
Great Batrep! That is an awesome Chaos army. I like seeing batreps this where the lists are diffrent than normal tourney lists… I def want to experiment with an ogryn star, ive got a few of the old school metal 1s somewhere lol
Great Chaos conversions, Ian! I really like the design of your Oblits and Heldrakes.
How did you like the ogryn death star Reece
Any chance we get to see a battle report with Frankie new death guard list?
It is super fun! I have played it in about 4 games now and it is a riot. Fast armies are hard to deal with, but anything that comes at you and isn’t strength 10 is fun.
Why a plasmacutioner with pask ?
Wont it simply risk blowing itself up during the game ?
His preferred enemy Warlord Trait allows you to reroll the Gets Hot! dice, so it makes him much more reliable. Plus, he can fire at a different target, too, with the Tank Commander Orders. I find it works quite well.
Ah missed how preferred enemy worked with “gets hot!” thnx
Reecius, technically doesn’t Azreal have to be in the primary detachment in this new edition?
The way it reads if he is in your army he has to be warlord. So wouldn’t he only be available in a primary detachment?
I plan to have a t-shirt made (to wear at tournaments) that says, ‘Death Stars are for Pu$$i3s’. I stand by that assertion.
Ian, got to get a game against your army, cracking stuff, I help run Titans Wargames club in North London by the way, look us up on google or Facebook!
Chris G
I enjoyed Ian’s camera work. If you’d both been doing it it would have been hard to follow but Reece’s turns grounded it and then it went silly bollox for Ian’s turn.
Disappointed that a UK player lost to an American. Didn’t realise that could happen!