They are nearly here!
I love Orks. They are fun to play, they are fun to play against and they’re just the right mix of funny and scary. They add a lot of levity and laughter to the girm dark and they have some really beautiful models in addition to being the converters dream army.
Unfortunately, they have always been preceived to be a weak army outside of their golden era in 3rd ed of being the “broken” army of the time, until Blood Angels took that spot from them.
I have always felt they were good in the hands of the right player though, and in 5th Orks were my nemesis army. I always got bumped out of tournaments by the damned Greenskins! Towards the end of 5th I finally picked up an Ork army of my own, a Trukk heavy Speed Freaks army and I loved it. Such a fun army to play! I did fairly well with it, too, but Tau was rough.
I sincerely hope GW does Orks right. Give them powerful units, fun special rules and the option for wacky Ork stuff that can blow you or the enemy up, but please, for the Love of the Emperor, don’t make those units/rules a fundamental part of the army.
I am hoping for Warbosses to still kick butt, Boyz to be a great troops choice and lots of different build options to keep them fresh.
What are you all hoping to see in the new Ork book?
As soon as we get our hands on it, be sure we will be doing some reviews and bat reps!