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BAO 2014 Warhammer 40K Friendly Event!

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Well, it took some doing, but the BAO 2014 is happening. It will be at the 4th Street Summit Center in downtown San Jose, California July 26th and 27th, 2014.

Saturday July 26th and Sunday July 27th

88 S 4th St

San JoseCA 95112


It is located on top of a parking structure and so, obviously, parking will not be an issue, particularly on the weekend. There are a number of hotels in the immediate vicinity for those traveling to the event. There are only 128 spots for this event due to space restrictions and we anticipate them selling out quickly, so do not wait to get your tickets!


Spirit of the Event

The 40K Friendly Event is all about celebrating the fun of the hobby with big, themed armies and games that focus on forging a narrative in a relaxed environment. All lists must be approved by the TO to ensure that they are fun and fair! The event is about competing in good spirits as a team. 

Army Composition

40K Friendly Format


The outcome of your game helps to determine your total score. However, you are not alone, you are fighting as a team! We will divide the players into teams, which will roughly be Imperials, Xenos and Chaos. This will vary dependent upon what armies are there. We will average the total points of each team earned over the round and everyone uses this as their battle points score. Your battle points score is 1/3 of your total score.

Rules Judgments

Rules issues will be dealt with swiftly by a roaming judge. We use a hierarchy for determining rules issues as follows:

  1. Main Rule Book
  2. FAQs and Erratas
  3. ITC FAQ
    1. Please note, the change to the 2+ reroll save is still in effect. Ie., any save of any type of a 2+ that can be rerolled is failed on the second roll of a 1,2 or 3.
  4. Consensus of judges present at the time. Please note, that these judgments are final. We are da law!!!

Painting & Theme

Total Score and Awards


Sportsmanship will be handled as a simple thumbs-up, thumbs-down check box on the results sheet.

The temptation to ding someone on sports after a tough loss is often too much for many players to resist. We therefore are providing a very narrowly defined set of terms under which a player may mark their opponent with a thumbs down mark on sportsmanship. This system is intended to punish those who are being abusive, but to not allow chimpmunking. After a great deal of real world use, we have found this system to work very well.

Legitimate reasons to give an opponent a thumbs down on sports:

  1. Your opponent was 15 or more minutes late to the round.
  2. Your opponent was verbally abusive. This does not mean you argued with your opponent or that your personalities clashed, but that they were verbally abusive and insulting.
  3. Your opponent intentionally cheated. Be prepared to support your case to a judge.
  4. Your opponent slow played. We define slow playing as not completing 3 game turns of play.
    1. In the case of 20 or less minutes left to play, divide the time remaining between players to complete one full GAME turn. Time each other during this period to ensure that each player has an equal amount of time to complete a full game turn. If one player does not finish within their limit, the other player can force them to stop and then begin their turn. This mechanic is in place to ensure no one is slow played out of a turn of play.

What does NOT constitute a thumbs down on sports?

  1. You argued over rules with your opponent.
  2. Your opponent beat you.
  3. You didn’t like your opponent’s army.
  4. Your opponent thinks the Black Lion never should have been the head of Voltron. The Green Lion was way cooler. NERD RAGE!!!


All models are expected to be WYSIWYG as much as is reasonable. Proxies are not permitted. Counts As armies with counts as allies will only be permitted if they represent a clearly concerted effort to build a unique army around an obvious theme. For example, an Adeptus Mechanicus army using extensive kit bashing and conversions will be fine. If you go this route, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A HANDOUT TO SHOW YOUR OPPONENT THAT SHOWS WHAT EACH UNIT IN YOUR ARMY IS ALONG WITH ITS STATS AND PERTENANT RULES! You must also present this to them prior to the game so that they have time to understand what they are playing against. There will be no exceptions to this.

If your army uses only a single Codex but if for example you have Crimson Fists models using the Blood Angels Codex, or Chaos models using the Space Wolves Codex, that is acceptable. Allies for this type of army however, MUST be represented by their actual models. This is to avoid confusion. No exceptions.

If you are using converted or scratch built models with Forge World rules, this is acceptable so long as your model is as close to the represented model as possible in terms of equipment, size and shape. We will not be lenient with this.

If you have any questions about your army, ask us prior to the event so that we can let you know if what you have will be acceptable or not.

Modeling for Advantage

There is a fine line between creative freedom and modeling for advantage. We do not wish to stifle anyone’s creativity, but in the end, this is a game that relies heavily upon the physical characteristics of the models being used.

Modeling for advantage will be handled on a case by case basis. To resolve a possible abusive situation, follow these steps:

  1. Ask the player to play the model as if it were a GW standard, modern version.
  2. Call a judge to ask for a judgement.
  3. Possibly substitute the model with an appropriate replacement.

Examples of what we consider modeling for advantage:

  1. Using out of date and inappropriately sized models such as the rogue trader era Eldar Avatar (which currently is a large, monstrous creature model but back then, was the size of a Space Marine, which would now grant huge advantages due to being so much smaller) or Gorka Morka Trukks (which are less than half the size of modern versions). If an army is made predominantly of Rogue Trader era minis (or any era) and is clearly going for a theme, then exceptions will be made. If it appears to a judge that the player is in fact modeling for advantage, then action will be taken.
  2. Increasing or decreasing the size of models to gain an advantage in gaining or granting cover. Custom Battle Wagons often fall into this category.
  3. Altering a model to increase the range of a model or to benefit your LOS.


Hills: All rolling hills are open terrain, granting 4+ cover via LOS blocking/interference as normal but do not count as difficult terrain.

Rock Towers, Crates, and Can Towers: Are impassible and block LOS completely (even if there are actual gaps in the terrain pieces).

All other terrain functions as outlined in the book BRB pg. 108-113.

Terrain Data Slates will not be used for the BAO 2014.

What to Bring

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