Show Notes
5-31-14 Notes
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at You can find us on iTunes!
- We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at or visit our webstore at
- Thanks for all the feedback we’ve been getting for 7th ed rules. It helps a ton to decide where to go from here.
- Guardian Cup this weekend! Get Pumped! The next event is the Wet Coast GT in Vancouver, BC.
- Update on GW Tactical Cards and Finecast. Also, FAQs!
- Pricing and information is up for the new Terrain Service!
- New release from GW! We are taking pre-orders now, check out their site for details. Send your order to:
- Red Star Games is having their next tournament June 8th!
- Big Thanks to Grandy Oats! We got some of their awesome nuts and we love putting them in our mouths! lol
- Thanks to Kevin Bashford for the awesome Frankie Meme! Also, check out his Warmahordes channel!
- The ITC has been updated with Kublacon results. We have a new champion, ladies and gentlemen!
- GTA is the new leader! He just edged out
- Alex Yuen in 2nd
- Paul McKlevly
- Alex Fennell
- Jason Rockhill
- Geoff Robinson
- Chuck Arnett
- Eric Hoerger
- Trevor Van Cleave
- Israel Sanchez
- And the current best for each army!
- Blood Angels: Pascal Rogen
- Daemons: Adrien Jeaniard
- CSM: Justin Adams
- Dark Angels: Aaron Wisch
- Dark Eldar: Bryan Gregory
- Eldar: GTA
- Grey Knights Gordy Danke
- AM: Gareth Hunt
- Knights Vince Price
- Necrons: Chris Morris
- Orks: Reece Robbins
- Sisters: Obi Hampton
- Space Marines: Eric Hoerger
- Space Wolves: Ketih Jenkins
- Tau: Paul McKlevly
- Tyranids: Geoff Robinson
- Titan Forge shows off a new thing…I don’t really know what it is!
- Heavy Gear releases a new Thunderhammer Walker model and it looks cool! They also have an eBook for the new Northern Army lists over at their site.
- Hawk Wargames is now taking pre-orders for the 30mm Ares Walker, and it looks sweeeeet!
Rumors: The Rumor Section is gathered from the web and is not in any way information we receive from any manufacturer nor is it necessarily accurate. This section of the podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only.
- New Orks pictured in the art floating around?
Rant Session
Tactics Corner
- Slaede Mentioned we haven’t addressed scoring spam mech armies and we wanted to talk about that.
Rules Lawyer
- Charles asks, “How does the reinforced Aegis work, now?”
- This has been clarified in the new FAQ to only be 1’s.
- Owen asks, Do you guys plan on releasing a packet of “fixes” or anything like that to suggest better play for 40k? Have there been talks amounts other TOs of doing something similar?
- Yes. The plan is to release it in phases.
List Review
No more 6th ed lists, sorry!
GTA and myself have our Kublacon scores swapped
You guys sold out, You used to be about the game. Now all you do is plug in your business.

I think selling out to oneself is perfectly fine
Hey guys! Thanks for posting my Rules Lawyer question (I’m Charles), but you didn’t answer my question. The Aegis the the rule that lets you re-roll 1s, the Aegis allows you to re-roll your DtW roll. The problem stems from what a DtW roll is, is it the test, or is each d6 you rolled to attempt to nullify a WC a roll and the collective rolls DtW test?
Must hold on as best Nids !!!
Hey guys. I cant see where it states that supplements cant ally with the parent codex. Do you have a page reference?
It’s not that they cannot ally it’s that they cannot be used as an allied detachment. This is because supplements count as the same faction as their parent book and allied detachments cannot be the same faction.
I keep bouncing between UCM (let’s be real: it’s about the praetorians for me) and the PHR (dem aesthetics).
“Why not both?”
Just moved, so I’m not in ideal finances to do both yet.
Oh what are your guys thoughts on the CCB now that 7th has completely revamped chariots?
They’re looking good!
The way it looks to me, is that supplements can’t ally w their parent codex, but CAN be included in the primary detachment… It says all units must b from the SME faction
You can take two Combined Arms Detachments one from the supplement and one from the vanilla and then you are BB with your self (or your supplement)