Brought to us by Adam, this is really funny. Sung to the tune of “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Idol, but with an Ork accent.
On the worlds of Ultramar
Or in the ghoul stars way out far, far
With the Mega Armor and the Power Klaw’s clamour
I’m allyin’ with myself
When there’s no one else in sight
And da kommandos’ sneakin right
Well, dey gonna snik ya in your softy bitz
And I’m allyin’ with myself
Oh ally wiv myself
Oh ally wiv myself
We ain’t gonna lose and ain’t got nothing to prove
And I’m allyin with myself, oh
And I know dat boyz don’t like
To get krumped when wagons fight
I’d get my mega-boss to take all the hits
I’d just ally with myself
So let’s take another Mek
Cause he’s got the bitz to think
And stop my Manz from runnin away
Dat’s why I’m be allyin’ with myself, oh
Oh ally wiv myself
Oh ally wiv myself
We ain’t gonna lose and ain’t got nothing to prove
And I’m allyin with myself, oh oh oh oh
I know ya want a wagon
And maybe anovva wagon
So take a wagon ‘n a wagon ‘n a wagon ‘n a wagon
And ally wiv yourself
Dakka jetz iz da best
More dakka iz da cry-y
So make all da dakka wash over da ‘umies
When you ally wiv yourself
Oh ally wiv yourself
Oh ally wiv yourself
If you want big gunz an’ also some wagons…
If you want a boss fer yer Lootaz or Boyz…
If your seven Deff Dreads need to dreg some ‘eads…
Ally wiv yourself
Ally wiv yourself
Ally wiv yourself
Ally wiv yourself
We’ve played dis game every way it’s played
And we’ve played every army there is
But nothing compares to the glorious joy
Of an ork allying with himself
So let’s krump some panzie git
Or bonk ‘eads wiv a beakie boss
‘Cause ain’t noffin’ stoppin our WAAGH dis time
Cuz we allyin wiv ourselves
Oh ally wiv ourselves
Oh ally wiv ourselves
Bringin’ Mad Doc, Old Zogwort, and Gazzy’s a joke…
We’ve got Triple Warboss wiv Bikes spouting smoke…
And four mobs of boyz in wagonz iz rollin on blokes…
Ally wiv ourselves…
Ally wiv ourselves…
Ally wiv ourselves…
Epic, just epic
Needs a video.
lol oh man…if someone would sing this…maybe one of the Overlords guys
Needs to be sung by GWAR! haha
I miss Oderus.
gone but not forgotten!
Thanks, guys. LOL. I’m so stoked about having a few extra slots to make armies with. It’s time someone else other than the new books got to do this!
you and me both bro, i feel like Orkz and Tyranids can make the most of this new ally tree.
Very happy to be able to bring more tru5kks and stick cheap warbosses with them or 3 biker bosses!
Is it true that you can have as many self detachments as long as you meet the minimum?
So if you have 1 hq and 2 troops then add 1 more hq and 1 troop you can keep adding on like that?
There are conflicting reports on that one. I haven’t looked at the Kirby 3++ report yet. Even if we can’t do that, I’m still fine with just allying with myself. However, if the whole “as many detachments as you want” thing is true, then that is awesome, because I can truly make the army I’ve always wanted to do with two MegaBosses, two Battlewagons, and two squads of boyz per force org. Love Boyz in Wagons. Just love it. And with the megabosses there to soak the explosion damage and to krump other wagons, it’s a good day to be orks.
Not as I have been told. Apparently you CAN’T ally with yourself. You can take 2 FOC’s though? Sounds interesting. We’ll see very soon.
Yah unfortunately from the pic out of rulebook I seen… You Cannot Ally with yourself.. Restriction states that your ally faction cannot be the same as your primary detachment.
Looking forward to your review and new content! I was keeping up with rumors on Dakka but it was driving me insane. People are going crazy so im sure a lot of people out there are looking forward to a calm and thoughout review. I hope your conclusion isnt that you suggest finding other games. I want 7th edition 40k to work so badly because i love this game and hobby.
Agreed, I’m still fairly new to 40k, only started near the end of 5th.
And any time I hear someone suggest another game (because 40k is supposedly “failing”) I get instantly depressed, I’ve really been captured by this game, loving it.
We are always honest about our feelings on a new book/edition, but so far I think 7th looks pretty decent. We’ll see once we’ve played a few games.
Invisibility is going to break this edition. That spell is the dumbest thing I have ever scene them print. Nullifying blessings was handled very poorly, from now on I am going to refer to it as the yahtzee check.
Seer council doesn’t need fortune anymore, and they all score AND they can spam farseers by bringing more detachments. This is going to be silly.
Oh and they ignore perils with their helm *facepalm*
I’ll continue to paint for the foreseeable future I guess.
There is always the hope that they are going to release faq’s for all the codexes for this edition…and possibly address some of these issues.
Does hope even exist anymore?
All I really want is clearly written rules… that’s literally the only thing on my wish list.
I may model my next Ork Warboss w/ a Billy Idol hairstyle and a Union Jack flag as a tribute