In this very special battle report, we have Dave, the creator of Dropzone Commander, playing Natfka from Faeit 212 in a game of Dropzone Commander! Scourge vs. UCM. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
In this very special battle report, we have Dave, the creator of Dropzone Commander, playing Natfka from Faeit 212 in a game of Dropzone Commander! Scourge vs. UCM. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
great battle
It really was an awesome game!
im going to have to get this game
You should! It’s super fun.
Awesome battle report.
Dave mentioned relaunch on the ferrum as 3 models. The experimental rules are 4 at the moment. 3 is probably something they are testing at Hawk.
What a close finish! I have to say if any unit is spammable in DzC, in my opinion, it’s the hunter. It’s an absolutely phenomenal combination of speed, firepower, demolition, anti-infantry (if they are in the open/at the walls) and they benefit from command cards, so larger groups are great.
Was this 2000pts worth?
It was 1500pts+a big unit to show them off, in this case the Ferrum and the Annihilator.
This looks like a really fun game, may have to pick it up. just need to figure which army i like the most.
Try and find a local store running it (better yet, FLG) and give the factions a go.
Explains some fluff, and the four primary races of DropZone Commander.
Thanks! i’m definately giving this a go. need something new for a table top game
Why didn’t Gary grab the objective, jump in the Invader APC, and embark onto the dropship? Wouldn’t that have secured the objective?
I think the infantry had already acted, and he was allowed to move the APC because he forgot to.
I think he’d already fired from the window, thinking he was already safe.
Right, that’s what I guessed, but seems like it may of been an oversight.
This is true. He had gone to the window to fire instead of getting out of Dodge, which turned out to be a game losing mistake, but it made for a dramatic finish!
Ya I guessed he had shot at the Wolverines. I roll for objectives as soon as I activate my Infantry. I was just asking in case I missed something and it wasn’t a mistake.
Not trying to harp on him or anything. We are all human, and mistakes are a key part of that.
Oh yeah, totally. It didn’t come across as a diss at all. Dave also almost made a game losing mistake, too. He had his Kodiak and didn’t shoot at the Scourge APC until late in the game and then as a reaction, Gary mounted him up. It was a really fun game to watch.
Who are these two no-name old losers!
Can’t you get some players who actually know what they’re talking about?