What are you guys pumped about? And don’t forget, our pre-order special is still going strong through Saturday!
We don’t have the book in hand yet, but we’ve been reading the leaks and rumors as you all have. I have been playing IG since 2nd ed! Always Catachans, too. I actually had another Catachan army, but it was green and black camo. For some reason I decided to sell them and then get another Catachan army, but this time red and black camo…
No matter how silly that seems, I really like IG. I have always been drawn to playing the “normal” human characters in any game system. I usually play humans in RPGs, video games, etc. Especially in the Grim Dark, they seem so cool to face the insane power of all the crazy, OTT stuff in 40K and still succeed.
For me, as a lover of tanks, the rumors that the Leman Russ is going WAY down in price for many variants is awesome! I have 8 of them, but often didn’t use them as the fun variants were so overpriced. Now though, the pints are much more reasonable if rumors are true.
I had a list I used to play in 5th that was surprisingly good, and I think we will see it become popular this edition based on what I have seen so far. It consisted of 3 units of 2 Leman Russes and a boatload of infantry. It gave the other guy a choice between cheapo infantry or AV14. Not a great choice as it made a lot of weapons wasted points. That same concept with allies makes for some really potent combos. Dark Angels jumps out at my right away with Power Field Generators, Azrael and Black Knights for counter attack. But, you can get Divination in the IG book now, apparently, which is REALLY good.
Blobs with characters in them will also be popular, particularly Conscripts if rumors that they went down to 3pts a pop are true. Wow. Those are some cheap meat shields.
The Bulgryns look cool, too. Expensive, but they look like a lot of fun. I will definitely be tempted to try them out.
The Wyvern posted in the White Dwarf looks really good too, I will certainly be picking one up.
What units are you all excited about? I am pumped to get that book in my hands and dig into it so very soon! Hopefully we get some more IG armies on the tables as a result to mix things up a bit.