Great effort to both players. I realize that the dread was not rerolling to wound, that may have helped a but, but it is worth poning out the MC’s get to Reroll to Pen on vehicles Still, if you don’t know all the capabilities of your units you don’t get to use them.
I don’t think the second floor of a building is “area terrain”, it was generous to have allowed Israel to do so.
If the blood angel player had not seized then that game would have been over turn 3. I’d suggest not bunching up your razorbacks(at deployment) so that one pie plate can hit all 3…
Doesn’t the Riptide get to reroll armor penetrations because of the “smash rule”?
Mephiston should’ve taken divination, the 4+ invul is amazing with him. Next time just jump him into am empty razorback and flat out his ass to the other side of the board. If switch to las/plas configurations on the razorbacks, much better at killing Riptides.
Seemed like Israel brought a pretty tame Tau list. I think he had too many marker lights…. How do crisis suits score without using the farsight Codex?
Anyways, good Batrep even though it was a little torturous.
Looks like Mephiston was utilized really poorly. He’s really great at IDing riptides, but he didn’t get the chance since he moved in the open and got lit up. When your using him it’s so important to hide him in terrain or block Los to him, which isn’t to hard since he’s a small model.
Haven’t read it yet, but it is about damn time you posted another Batrep. I have missed checking out all the hot dudes from FLG. . .
Haven’t WATCHED it yet is what I meant :*(
Lol! We have a bunch in the pipe, I just fell behind due to Adepticon.
Those scouts that whiffed had Move Through Cover. Not sure if it would have changed the game by any means, though.
Great effort to both players. I realize that the dread was not rerolling to wound, that may have helped a but, but it is worth poning out the MC’s get to Reroll to Pen on vehicles
Still, if you don’t know all the capabilities of your units you don’t get to use them.
finally got Revenge vs Ba’s after the Lvo eh Sanchez?:”)
Burn! lol
Run the Furiso with Bloodfists next time… He will smash those Tides !
Very well played on both sides.
I disapprove…those are not blood angels those are just blue marines!
It’s what’s on the inside that counts!
Dude you seriously need some out-flanking baal preds, Those rip tau like nothing else!
Also the blood talons have shred so you get to re-roll failed wounds. I think Jason may have forgotten that.
I had thought that Mephiston was Fearless, which would have prevented him from going to ground. Is that not actually the case?
Mephiston is not fearless, He is ‘just’ leadership 10.
I was rooting for the Blood Angels. Always good to see David trying to beat Goliath.
Dat dread vs riptide fight was hilarious
I don’t think the second floor of a building is “area terrain”, it was generous to have allowed Israel to do so.
If the blood angel player had not seized then that game would have been over turn 3. I’d suggest not bunching up your razorbacks(at deployment) so that one pie plate can hit all 3…
Doesn’t the Riptide get to reroll armor penetrations because of the “smash rule”?
Mephiston should’ve taken divination, the 4+ invul is amazing with him. Next time just jump him into am empty razorback and flat out his ass to the other side of the board. If switch to las/plas configurations on the razorbacks, much better at killing Riptides.
Seemed like Israel brought a pretty tame Tau list. I think he had too many marker lights…. How do crisis suits score without using the farsight Codex?
Anyways, good Batrep even though it was a little torturous.
Looks like Mephiston was utilized really poorly. He’s really great at IDing riptides, but he didn’t get the chance since he moved in the open and got lit up. When your using him it’s so important to hide him in terrain or block Los to him, which isn’t to hard since he’s a small model.