Show Notes
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at
- Pre-Order Special is a GO!
- Gaming Mat update.
- LVO and BAO update.
- Warmahordes Wednesdays! Come on in and get a game!
- New Chaos Imperial Armor book announced. They’re including army lists, updated rules and new warmachines of Chaos, sweet! IA13
- Forge World releases some alternative rules for D weapons that sound more reasonable.
- Red Star Games, in San Antonio, TX is holding a 2,000pt 40K event! April 19th! Follow th elink for more information.
- Only a month away until Valhalla! Really pumped, had a chance to see Sean and the Blue Table Painting crew at Adepticon.
- Adepticon rehash.
- The Meta at the event.
- Changes for our events with Formations and 2 detachments.
- Where the community is at.
Rumors: The Rumor Section is gathered from the web and is not in any way information we receive from any manufacturer nor is it necessarily accurate. This section of the podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only.
Rant Session
Tactics Corner
Rules Lawyer
List Review
You asked me to send this to the email 😀
Got a list for you to review on the podcast. Dark Eldar / Eldar – 1750 pts.
– Vect
– Heamy with crucible – liquifier
– Jetseer
– 5 x 5 Kabalites with Venoms with Dual Cannon (one venom has a Grisly Trophy)
– 3 Wracks – Raider Tormentor Grenade Launcher
– 2 ravagers, tripple lance
– 2 scatter laser warwalkers
– 20 Guardians, 2 Brightlances
It plays a lot like frankies list. But its 100pts less (no night
shields) and no wraithknight (as I dont own one… yet) The scatter
warwalkers are more than enough I find.
This list is designed for a competitive league that we are having at
our gameclub. A lot of deathstars that realy on blessings… the
raider with the heamy with the crucible is a little ace in the hole, –
1 leadership within 6″ and then pop the crucible… if it works, it
will WORK if it fails… its only a 150pt gimmick… but can be super
nasty against Ld7 tzeench heralds, Ld 8 warlocks especially since
there are usually a lot of them, or LD 9 deamon princes (well the
tormentor grenade launchers -1 leadership could add to this).
We are playing BAO missions, and this army has proven its worth and I
think its got what it takes to pull it off.
Cheers !