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Adepticon Update (Updated)


Adepticon update!

Day 1 has come and gone!

As predicted, it was deathstar mania. Beastpacks, Seercouncils, Centuironstars, and Oh’vessastars everywhere. Flying Daemons, Space Marine Bikers and Wraithknights and Riptides shortly behind them. The horror!

The finals are an all Deathstar affair. Jy2 almost made it in with Wraitrhwing Crons, but lost a close game to Tim Goreman’s Centurionstar. Frankie also almost made it but got stopped by Tau in game 4.

The finals is a group of the usual suspects, all playing “fill in the blank” stars.

There were a pleasantly, surprisingly large number of Tyranid players in attendance, although none made the finals.

We will update this post as the finals progress!

We have an FMC daemon on daemon finals! Nick Nanavati and Rob are duking it out in the finals. They overcame two Beastpacks (Sean Hayden and Tony Gripando) in close games. Speed and psychic powers on the Daemons in an environment with predominantly kill point missions gave them an edge in a meta filled with Deathstars.

It was a great event for the camaraderie and enviornemnt but the meta really was a bit of a downer with so many lists designed to layer USRs through allies combos. Half the armies present rerolled damn near everything, ignored cover and/or were immune to many in-game effects.

The overall atmosphere was upbeat and everyone was having fun, but everyone is hungry for a change. The game as is creates such hyper powered combos that the gap between the average list and power list is becoming not only nearly insurmountable but fun killing.

The best players take the best lists to stay competitive with each other but at the cost of the overall tournament scene. We need to decide as a community of tournament players to tone it down a bit or watch our favorite pass time bleed players to other games that are more fun to play than 40k currently is for many players.

Oh, and a side note: I kept my eye on the unrestricted 40k event (that drew all of 13 players) and it was pretty crazy to see. Almost every game featured some type of titan, and almost every game was decided by who went first. In all seriousness and fairness, unrestricted 40k, played with everything allowed in the rules at present is extremely unenjoyable to play in my opinion. There is nearly  no skill required to win the game. It comes down to packing in d weapons and going first. It’s so out of whack as to approach absurdity.

That said, AdeptiCon is a blast! So much to see and do and we’re having a great time.

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