InControl tries his new tournament Nid list out against Tastey Taste’s Dual Knight+Ultra Marine list! Check out the Tactics Corner for more video bat reps.
Nid List:
30 Gants
Show the lists damn you!
I’m still not convinced by the dual knight lists, though maybe that’s just mister TastyFace. Though until I get my 3rd knight built, what do I know.
They don’t always give me there lists, bud! haha
Haha, damn it!
I’m glad to see those nids doing well, I’m still sitting here tailoring my knights the best I can, though I gotta get some more toys built before I can really test it. I think that Knights primary is the only way that running more than one is going to work, otherwise you’re just way too low on scoring… Next up, I’m thinking Knights + marine allies + Stormwing should bring plenty of AA in 1750, though it basically means the marines are a librarian (call them Mantis Warriors for divination) + 5 tac marines… If you’re using the 2-sources rule and calling a Stormwing a different source than Space Marines, then it’s gotta get tweaked a bit more.
Hopefully the new IG codex will also fill that gap though, bringing some hydras, vendettas and those lovely FW flyers.
I put the list up!
Thanks Broseph!!
Maybe if the Knights were backed up by decent anti-air units, the Crones wouldn’t be as threatening. Just one Quad Gun is enough to make me think twice about the placement of my Crones. But then again, I am a very conservative Hive Mind. While I love to mindlessly throw my stuff at my opponents’–just like any other Nid player–there is a time and place for it.
As good as Crones are (all around, not just AA), I will likely wind up taking three as well. I have two now, and I love them. Their utility is unparalleled. What is a shame, though, is the lack of room (points, FA slots) for Gargoyles, which are my absolute favorite infantry model for Tyranids.
Also, if Tasty Tastes’ infantry were closer to his Knights, then they would be able to provide covering fire for the Knights, potentially grounding the FMCs and thus setting the Knights up for shots.
Very possibly this list could have survived without AA, as I suggested, if better deployed/reserved.
OR switch out the Storm Talons for dedicated AA behind and ADL with Quad Gun (not overkill?).
Turn 1, 6 Tentaclid missiles take off 3 Hull points? What. You should only get 3 hit with BS 3, not to mention the ++ save, and the off chance of a 1 to psudo pen. You are looking at. 1.5 HP on average dice. He doubled that…
Geoff’s Tentaclids are notoriously accurate!
Errrr, while it may not be the most likely outcome, after it’s happened the probability is 1
I thought the Knight was engaged with the Exocrine. How did VS and shooting hit it?
HQ: 2x Flyrant /w dual devourer brain leech 430
Troop: Tervigon + 30 term 315
Elite: 2x venomthrope 90
FA: 3x Crone 465
Heavy: 2x Exocrine 340 + Tyrannofex 175
I later found out this adds up to 1815 while double checking for adepticon lol.. so I added adrenaline and acid blood to the tyrannofex.
Thanks dude!
But you should probably spend those points on your Hive Tyrants… they’re 230 each with dual devourers, not 215
I thought that but in the book it’s 165 base + 35 for wings and dual brain leech is 15 points.. where does the extra 15 come from?
I guess having 2 of them huh lol my bad
that is what I get for late night list working lol
why build one when you can have two at twice the price?
Yeah, it’s actually 1845.
Of course, there is not much we can do with 5 points.
A devourer!
AG on the Tyrannofex is what I would recommend spending the 5 points on
Those are 15 points!
For 5 points he could give the Tervigon Cluster Spines or add a single devourer to the unit of gaunts… The Cluster Spines are probably better at the end of the day.
Here’s a question iNcontroL.
If dataslates were permitted, would you make the following change?
Warrior + BS
3 Biovores
with data slates I’d take sky blight but living artillery ain’t bad either.
The Nid list looks fierce, hope you place good at adepticon, i want to see if my marines can take it on, hit me up for a game when you guys get back
*place well
Why did you not use the skyblight formation? ? It’s a better build IMO. Never ending Objective snatching gargoyles are amazing.
Will formations like sky blight be allowed at the BAO?
They were’t using Fromations in this Bat Rep.
But will they be allowed at BAO? Gotta decided soon to buy the other flyrant an one more crone?
We decided to let all Formations in, but they count as your allied detachment.
It looks like you handled the knight titans really well. Go bugs.