Reecius and InControl throw down in a rematch: Raven Guard vs. Tyranids! For more great bat reps, check out the Tactics Corner!

Reecius and InControl throw down in a rematch: Raven Guard vs. Tyranids! For more great bat reps, check out the Tactics Corner!
Assaulted out of a rhino?
A couple times! And once out of a wrecked rhino.
Are you asking if the Space Marines charged out of a Rhino?
Yeah after re-watching, it seemed like your Grey Hunters charged the Zoanthrope (multi charge, I think) out of their Rhino.
Ah, I can’t remember if I did. If so, it was a mistake.
It might have worked out better to just double tap the Zoan anyway. Your dice couldn’t have been any worse.
Yeah, no kidding, lol!
Hate to say it, but yeah, ya did. The grey hunters are clearly in the Rhino (The Zoenthrope fires and misses in his attempt to pop the rhino with Warp blast), and then next turn you multi-assault with the grey hunters.
Yeah, we both goofed. Oh well, it happens all the time with a game this complex. Easy to make mistakes.
yup grey hunters cant assault turn they diembark.
No one can, unless the vehicle was open topped or assault. I may have simply made an error if that is what happened. Oh well, it happens.
ehh it happens
Can squads that are combat squadded, which get out, then get back in to the same transport?
Yes, as long as they are form the same unit. It is ultra useful.
That is so good. So so good. If only I could get back in my drop pod!
I know, right? I combat squad in almost every game in 6th ed, outside of KPs. It is such a useful ability, and being able to load back up in a transport is golden!
the power armour wasn’t turned on. hahaha.
great batrep guys.
pinocchio-esque boner lol I lost it on that one.
You guys are gonna love my new Harley Davidson/Air horn Enthusiast club, we’ll make a trip up to FLG just for batreps.
Love the batreps, quality stuff guys keep it up.
Glad you liked it!
Great batrep guys. Well done Reece on the win. Will forward this to a friend who collects Ravenguard. Like you he’s caught up on trying to make assault marines work haha.
Yeah, it’s not easy to do! They are really good in certain match-ups, but generally, they are pretty shitty.
Another great bat rep. What are you going to take instead of the assault squad? Always amazed at the resiliency of the fexes. I once faced one with FNP and regen. I just gave up trying to hurt it.
Yeah, T-Fexes survive largely because they are so much harder to kill than the other TMCs, that your opponent simply doesn’t bother.
Instead of the Assault squad, probably some Scouts. You need a push back unit to force your opponent’s scout moves back so he can’t shut down your pre-game Scout move.
Great batrep, and a lot of lessons to be learned:
1) Nids are apparently not just a Turn 5 army
2) Never give up
3) Never assume you’ve won before the game is over
4) Play to the mission
5) Multiple fast scoring units are a good thing
6) Tyrannofexes don’t die
Can the crones vector strike and still shoot 2 missiles? I thought each missile counted as shooting a weapon, as well as the vector strike. In turn 2 he vector struck the crones and then they each then shot 2 missiles.
No, the vector strike counts as a shot, so Geoff goofed here.
At 9:52 inControl ‘cheated’, can’t fire double Tentaclids after vector strike. So, looks like both had a rules slip, perfectly normal.
Great batrep. Love seeing mech marines winning games.
Hey Reece is there somewhere I can go to understand how your missions work? I just totally don’t understand the scoring when I watch these bat reps and I would like to try something besides the basic 6 missions we have been playing since I started 40k at our store.
check out the link at the top of the page. click on community> BAO tournament format.
Doesn’t the Exo get 7 shots, not 6?
How did he scout move his rhinos? Rhinos do not have chapter tactics and do not get the benefit of them.
The unit inside has scouts, which confers onto the dedicated transport. So does infiltrate.