That’s right ladies and gents, the Gaming Mat pre-order is up and ready to rock! Just click here to go to the shopping cart and pre-order your mat! below are the details on the release.
- The mats will be in our warehouse in late April. We commit to shipping them all no later than the first week of May so long as there are no delays in getting the container to our warehouse.
- Your purchase gets you a Gaming Mat! You will be charged a separate invoice for shipping. Shipping estimates are on the product description.
- That’s all there is to it! Quantities are limited and we expect these to move quickly. Don’t wait to get yours!
Guys are you going to make ‘ultra portable’ folding tables to go with these?
We have not discussed making these yet, no.
Why in the heck is the shipping to the UK so expensive? And why only one or four? I’d be looking at two but refuse to pay over $100 for shipping alone. It’s ridiculous. A shame as these look pretty much perfect.
Well then, I shall simply have to hand deliver it to you, sir! The shipping costs are an ourtage! Call the UN, let’s strike! Start a war! To arms!!!!
Haha, but seriously, shipping is totally out of our hands. We shopped around like crazy to get the best possible rates. Sorry if you don’t like it, truly, but it is what it is until we can get a European distribution point set up. And we gave the example of 1 or 4, but you can buy as many as you want.
I’m sure Wayland Games would be interested in selling them for you in the UK just ask them.
Yeah, for sure, we are definitely looking into that. The issue is that you have to send a lot of mats and it is very expensive to get them there. Not all distributors are willing to buy enough of that mats upfront to make it work. However, we are looking into it and hope to have a solution worked out soon to save everyone on shipping costs.
You get em over here and I’d buy Alpine and Space in 6 x 4s in a freakin’ heartbeat mate. I’d definately see what Wayland has to say on the matter.
Now, if only there was one to fit my Eldar bases.
These mats looks awesome and I will definitely pick up one or two, but I was wondering if you are going to keep developing new designs? I’m really hoping for some kind of lava world mat for those evil armies out there….keep up the good work!
Thanks! And a Lava Mat may or may not already be in development!
We definitely plan on expanding the line, you can count on that.
Can you make a Slaneesh daemon world map with lots of big hairy penises and ball sacks? You know, for the ladies? Wink
Is the 4×4 urban mat as useful deployment wise as the 6×4?
Also, everyone wants a space ship board. Go Doug go!
They aren’t designed with deployments in mind, no, as the angled streets preclude that.
And I can’t divulge future plans, but, I can say that you will be very happy for what the future brings in terms of new designs!
I bet be, or I am coming down there. :p
Lol, no worries, we have some really cool stuff on the horizon!
Any plans for 3×3 mats? Way more useful for X-Wing/Attack Wing…
Possibly in the future, yes.
Just ordered mine, played on these mats a few times, great product with fantastic detail. Adds a lot to the experience, well worth the price. If you’re putting battle reports up on YouTube with plastic tables and dirty sheets for your battlefield, do us all a favor and STEP YO GAME UP SON! buy a mat. Do it.