Hey everyone, just wanted to give you a heads up that we will have our orientation for the Warmahordes Journeyman League this Wenesday, 3-12-2014. The first week will be an orientation to order any Battlegroups for new players, go over the basics, play some pick-up games, etc. We will get going around 4pm, running through closing time: 8pm. This is every informal though, you don’t have to be here right at 4pm, anytime in that window is great.
The league will start games the next week, 3-19-2014. It will run 6 weeks.
We look forward to gaming it up with everyone! My Rhulic Mercs will be stomping nuts, so be prepared to be humiliated! Muahahaha! Actually, that isn’t true, I almost never win with the little bastards, lol!