In this video, Reecius and the Architect have a fun game using Imperial Guard with a Baneblade vs. Imperial Fists with a Knight Titan! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!

In this video, Reecius and the Architect have a fun game using Imperial Guard with a Baneblade vs. Imperial Fists with a Knight Titan! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!
That made my pants tight… MOAR!
Good report guys. Knights are looking pretty tame by themselves. I was thinking and against multiple knights I think an easy way to destroy them would be to use serpent spam. They are quick, agile units that can threaten multiple flanks. It seems that the key to killing the knight is to not let it have its invuln. Wave serpents can use the shield and whatever else you equip and go for the flanks and simply whittle it down pretty quickly I bet.
This could apply to units that have access to Str6+ mobile weaponry with higher rates of fire and especially flyers. Threaten the flanks at the same time, they only get the shield on one, and then let loose. Seems like a reasonable way to kill them off. Against multiples you will need to finish one off at a time.
My 2 cents.
Yeah, anything that is fast with high volume, high rate of fire weapons will be able to take these things down.
I’ve seen others play with the knights now and the tendency there as well as here is to have them up in the front with their resilience and D weapon. While there are certainly scenarios where that is a good idea, it’s really problematic against IG, DE and probably Necrons, all of whom are going to focus all of their las/melta/lance etc. at your knight to keep it out of CC. Although there wasn’t much choice here, it seems that the knights are great for lobbing shots from the backfield, sitting on backfield objectives, and only moving up once the weapons that can pen have been chipped away or your fast movers have gotten things locked up in CC.
Nice battle report, really helps illuminate that the knights are the problem they were anticipated to be, but there is certainly room for them in many lists.
I don’t think they are anything but a powerful, but fair model right now, that is a lot of fun to play.
We need to try them in multiples to really see if they are broken.
I’d like to see 2-3 allied, and I’d like to see 5 of them as one single army. I would also like to see how they handle the deathstars everyone is saying they can solve.
nice close game there:), ohh that two turns of not getting a charge.. wowchy
Yeah, that was brutal! He would have won had that not happened.
It would be interesting to see a few knights being back up by Dark Angel power field librarians and/or techmarines.
dark angel bikes and knights? could be fun
Oh, thats was great! Poor Lysander, probably didnt want to die in catastrophic explosion? Or just Tzeentch dice curse…:)
I loved the Knight part where he hold himself against attacks from one direction (meltavets did 1HP and Baneblade another one?) but when ‘detta came, his mighty shield wasnt fast enough. But yeah, if you got two 6s on pen result, its hard to endure even for superheavy
And the Baneblade part was cool too. Hell of a firepower, can take big punishment but in the final its just matter of time until he goes down too.
Mirelurks… I mean Knight Errants remind me of something…
Very awesome model :).
It really is a bitchin model!
Important point: techmarines and such are not allowed to repair allied vehicles per the FAQ.
failed a 4 and 6 inch charge >_< aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Yeah, brutal! So sad, it would have been a glorious victory!
Now do an 1850 battle report with 3 knights and a war hound. Cause that’s how crazy 40k is now.
Nah, we aren’t going to allow ranged D weapons in our Cons outside of specialized events. Maybe just for laughs, but not as a serious game, we have already tried that and it is crazy as you say.
And rest of Superheavies? Well, you are on different continent, so Im just curious
IMO non-D LoW could be fun, although I really didnt tried them all.
Some of them are fine, some of even the non D LoW are still crazy powerful.
I think an or stomp a wouldn’t be so bad. No ranged D.