InControl and his Nids face off against Spam Adams’ Triptide Tau! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!

InControl and his Nids face off against Spam Adams’ Triptide Tau! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
Between the Megamat, the terrain, Geoff’s awesome Nids, and the Riptide bases that was one of the best “looking” batreps I have ever seen. Competing favorably with some of the Batreps out there that pretty much only focus on aesthetics.
That said, it was still a FLG Batrep, so the tactics were also great. Even great Tau players just have an innate drive to castle, and it so often costs them the game. Always funny to see.
Great job guys. Can’t wait to get my Megamats. My wife actually has one in her hands right now, unfortunately she’s in TN and I’m in stupid Georgia with my felt =(
Thanks! Yeah, we really want to push the envelope in terms of aesthetics, tactics and fun. All that stuff was painted by us, too, so that helps promote our business, too!
And yeah, the mats are awesome, you will be stoked when you finally have yours in your hands!
More fun to watch than I expected. TauDar games are usually boring to play as well as watch. Especially nice seeing the Nids bag a win.
All about the LoS blocking terrain, baby! Totally, changes the game.
Good bloody job Geoff!:)
Congrats Geoff, way to go omnomnom on the greater good!
thanks everyone <3 this really made my day. Still taking some hard losses but learning and adapting.. still high in spirits
btw I immediately learned that jet seer bikes don’t give a damn about well thought out blockades
Also, can’t pin bikes or jetbikes. That one gets overlooked a lot.
Congrats Geoff, really well played!
There ya go InControl! Bravo on the win and I like the list, looking forward to seeing some more Nid batreps from ya
Things I learned from the last 6 minutes of video: Jeff wanted Adams to pull his Wang completely out, Adams did, and Jeff beat him in 3 different ways.
I learned a lot I never wanted to know today.
I see you ran a little bit light on troops but you made up for it with some pretty good spawns. Do you feel like minimal troops is the way to go?
I’m usually big on troops, but like Geoff, I too am leaning towards min troops and more kill power.
This^ less troops as long as you have a tervigon who can get you 1 more troop guaranteed has been nice, because you can spend more on monsters. I don;t see the need for max troops as long as the tervigon is in play behind your other advance forces….keep in mind if you can always out flank the tervigon to cover the board more.
Yeah, and with threats pushing up-field, the Tervigon typically goes unscathed.
This would not have changed the outcome at all, but bears pointing out: Bikes (of any kind) cannot be pinned. Additionally, they cannot go to ground either.
Off Topic: When is the Wasteland ‘Game Mat’ coming in? That’s the one I want.
Good point!
Congrats on the win!! but its amazing to finally see that you have discovered the wonders of playing with 2 exocrines!!! its slightly better when you can add in more ap2 goodness from a mawloc
but tyrannofex sounds good, might give it a go! thanks for the inspiration!!! WOOO!!
Congrats Geoff! You did what I haven’t been able to do yet with the new bugs – beat Taudar! You da man! And good luck at the Torrent of Fire tournament coming up.
Yes well done indeed. I am looking forward to reports after the ToF even this weekend. We are expecting you guys to come through with some nice posts and recaps! Who all is going, Geoff and Frankie?
By the way, i see we have a Geoff themed Swarmlord graphic for the batreps now, nice!
Great to see our scenery being used so effectively as blocking terrain hope OK to share this video? Jane from Amera