Raw Dogger and Reecius have a friendly game with Night Lords and Grey Knights in this 1750pt battle! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!

Raw Dogger and Reecius have a friendly game with Night Lords and Grey Knights in this 1750pt battle! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!
Be a good time to remember those drakes are scoring in the Scouring provided they’re in hover mode. Also, do plain Grand Masters make Paladins scoring? I thought that was a Draego specific trick.
Yes on the Drakes normally but not in the IGTC events, I am ultra rusty in this bat rep, but he used Grand Strategy to make them scoring.
That’s right, I forgot about that rule. Haven’t played against many GK that actually use marines in a minute. Also, good call on the drakes. Went to one GT that the TOs ruled zooming flyers as scoring. Don’t plan on going back to it.
Yeah, flyers scoring is lame as it only comes up when the objective is elevated off of the ground or with stupid Drakes as they can be modeled to have a wing low enough to the ground to score.
they don’t run flyers as scoring at any time with the BAO guidelines. I’d prefer it worked if they hover but what the hey:P. In the BRB you can score as long as the hull is within range of an objective[most of the time, it’d have to be on building]
Exactly, and due to the fact that often in tournaments one side will be able to elevate the objectives but not both, we decided to nix the flyers as scoring to avoid issues.
some hard narratives being forged here
Thanks for the report. Kind of interesting, but seemed a bit less aggressive with the terrain in this game.
As far as the Fortification rules question, my thoughts are that Fortifications do not give up First Blood. First Blood specifies a unit of any type (p 122), however, fortifications are not a unit as described in the rulebook (p 44-49).
I agree, but we were playing a friendly game and Jason assumed he could get First Blood and was trying to blow it up with the intent of getting FB, so we said yeah for that game.
I do not believe that a bastion (or a comms relay or quad gun, etc.) can give first blood; it is a special kind of terrain.
Speaking of comms relays–my (12-year-old) son just went 2-0-1 with a noise marine list in a 28-man tournament yesterday, beating Sisters, then Tau, and drawing against a noise marine list (almost mirror, but with a daemon prince instead of sorcerer/souped up bike lord). The comms relay was money in his two wins, keeping his lord and cultists off until turn 4 and bringing his drakes in on turn 2. In his draw, he only got one drake and couldn’t keep the lord off the table. Thumbs up for comms relay.
Yeah, reserves manipulation is really important in this game as often, reserving is your best defense against a powerful list going first.
I’m a long time follower and I love watching your batreps. They are the perfect combination of friendliness, competitiveness and hilariousness, so thank you! You, Raw Dogger and Franky are very funny when you play. It would be extremely entertaining to see the three of you and the “Star Craft guy” (sorry can;t remember your name at the moment) play a 2v2 with crazy lists. It would probably be difficult with everyones schedule but it would be great for all the fans of your videos out there, maybe even make it a beer hammer game!
Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated. And yes, a 4 way Beerhammer match would be awesome!
Giant Spawn!!! My favorite unit in the book, D6+4 attacks on the charge and the possibility for a 2+ FNP in combat… just pure love. Having these charge the paladins and smash might have had some decent results (~D3+3 attacks each) to help you take that unit down a lot faster. They’d eat it to force weapons, but you’d be surprised how often people fail to get that 6.
Yeah, they didn’t have viable target this go around, but I love the big oafs!
Are they like MC spawn? How fast are they?
PS Maybe this new “7th Ed” will add back the assaulting out of Rhinos thing. Would really change up the game alot I believe.
Chaos Marines with Dirge Caster Rhinos could be really cool… Beserker Rush style.
All marine armies would improve I think.
Since you guys ruled that fast attack flyers are not scoring units for the scouring, was the extra victory point for destroying them taken away? The benefit came with a hindrance for the scenario. If you take away the benefit then it would be fair to take away the hindrance right?
The flyers may still get linebreaker so the hindrance is still there.