It’s a slap fight! Raw Dogger busts out Mech Blood Angels against Reecius’ Orks to see who is king of the losers! As always, check out the Tactics Corner form more videos and bat reps!

It’s a slap fight! Raw Dogger busts out Mech Blood Angels against Reecius’ Orks to see who is king of the losers! As always, check out the Tactics Corner form more videos and bat reps!
Whoever wins, they both lose
Haha, true!
Oh don’t you just love Ork leadership? It’s been the biggest bane for my Orks for years. That’s why I finally have found the solution to most of my problems and that is none other than Ghazghkull himself. His ability to make Orks fearless at any time other than turn 1 is really good. I know how you feel Reece but hopefully you do take them to Adepticon so I can see how you do with them.
Yeah, that killed me! Haha, I may have to go back to Ghaz, too. It’s just that his WAAGH! is so lame now apart from the Fearlessness.
Its not too bad don’t forget with the FAQ it changes units with Slow and Purposeful to Relentless which can allow you to sweeping advance a won combat. It’s the closest think Orks get to an ability to manipulate certain scenarios like Chapter Tactics. Hopefully with the new codex they up the boyz leadership or at least make the nob leadership 8 or something.
That’s true, and if you are already in Trukks, you are probably close enough to them to make the charge, anyway.
I feel your pain Recius.
There’s nothing worse than to pull off a charge with Orks that you really should win only to wiff and then get swept/run off the board. I really hope they make the Warboss fearless when the Orks get their update. That would go a long way to making them competitive again.
PS. Great job hanging in there till the end, the chances of that leadership test failing for the win wasn’t that terrible.
Yeah, that was so unbelievably frustrating! Haha, oh well. Shite happens.
And yeah, when he failed a critical LD check to his benefit that was the nail in the coffin. Ouch!
Nice battle report. I prefer the players’ in-game like this versus having them sit in the chair after every turn.
By the way, where do you get those nice flaming tank destroyed markers?
Yeah, some folks prefer that, but a lot of folks like the longer form. We switch it up to appeal to both types of people.
Good stuff. Now tell me where I can get me some of those tank destroyed markers.
They’re OOP, unfortunately. They were made by Gale Force, though. They have smaller versions now, we actually have a pack on them in the store now!
Thanks Reece. I’m way up in Canada, so unlikely to make it down to snag that last pack. Any way I can buy it online?
Last pack of what?
rough game for orks, bad dice rolls and the seize, hate games like those
Seize should never have made it into 6th, it’s just a bad rule. That being said, someone had a pretty sore bottom at the end there and was very vocal about iiiiiiiiit.
Yeah, it is not a rule I care for, either.
Unless Reece is playing beer hammer he doesn’t have a good time when he rolls bad.
Hahahaha, sooo true!
I’ve played Orks for years (since 2nd edition). I don’t agree with a lot of these posts about Orks needing higher leadership stats. I think it makes perfect sense, and is balanced by the mob rule. Considering how much of a beat stick a warboss is for the points, he’s not that bad. Ld9 is nothing to sniff at and he easily should get a re-roll for 5 pts.
What I’d really love to see is something like the Chapter Tactics for Orks, but based around the clans. I’m not sure precisely what that would look like, but it would be cool if they could make it work.
I totally agree that it would be awesome to get Clan Traits!
Maybe not the boyz themselves but I could easily see the nobz getting a leadership increase just like every other sergeant type in the game. I’m sure that after the codex is released they will come out with another book which would probably be either Goffs or Bad Moonz.
I would like to see the Nob being Ld8, too.