Well, we got the ‘Urban Combat’ prototype and it looks SWEET! Everyone at the shop was super excited to see it come out of the box and everyone said they really liked it! You can still get in on the action with our KickStarter!
Check it out for yourself. The flares look like they actually glow in real life, it’s really cool! The detail on this thing is nuts, the cracks in the streets, the tire marks, etc. all make such a cool gaming environment to play on! It makes a game so much more engaging than playing on felt or cloth.
those look really good on the tabletop
Thanks, Natfka! We are really happy with how they came out!
Soooooo sick. Ordering for sure.
Glad you like it!
These are impressive!
Thank you, sir!
I really like how there are still spots where you can put vegetation. With how common forest scenery is, it showed a lot of foresight that you put small grassy patches on the mat.
Yeah, we wanted it to be able to be all city (you can cover those areas with terrain) of have parks and such with grassy areas. Glad you noticed it!
So gorgeous Reece! I think I need to order me one of these and build a lip around my table to set it in.
Awesome, glad you like it!
I love the urban mega mat but really sad that the shipping to the uk makes it too expensive for me. Any plans to find a stockist in the uk or will it be direct only?
We will be distributing from Sweden!
How far in the future is this likely to be?
All these mats look awesome
we will be distributing from Sweden =)
I love the look of this mat. The only downside I see is you have those 2 wide streets which in a hammer and anvil game will destroy my bugs. I still would love to play on it. Anything is better than a bare board or those Realms of battle hills. Good job.
Don’t forget you can always block the streets with terrain! But glad you like them, they do look rad if we do say so ourselves!
Looks like a lovely autumn day in the city
Indeed it does!
Thank you for posting these photos. This was the megamat version I was interested in. It looks fantastic and I pledged.
If folks are worried about the streets being open, remember you can place terrain that looks appropriate; barricades, wrecked vehicles/tanks/fliers etc… Your imagination is your only limit.
Happy to see this work out like it did. A fantastic concept and perfect timing as I’d finally worn out my Zuzzy mat (after 5 years).
Exactly, glad you see it, too! Thanks for the kind words and glad you enjoyed it.