Here it is, ‘Barren Wasteland’! A beautiful 4’x6′ desert/post-apocalyptic mat! The detail on this mat is absolutely gorgeous! Check out the close-ups. Check out our KickStarter!
Also, please see attached Close-Ups of the Alpine mat, too!

Here it is, ‘Barren Wasteland’! A beautiful 4’x6′ desert/post-apocalyptic mat! The detail on this mat is absolutely gorgeous! Check out the close-ups. Check out our KickStarter!
Also, please see attached Close-Ups of the Alpine mat, too!
Reecius, I heard you say that there was going to be a Urban mat with Diagonal roads on it, will that be available through the kickstarter?
Also, will we be able to purchase mega mats after the kickstarter is done from you directly?
Hey Mark, we will make angled roads that will most likely be unlocked on the KS, but, we lost 3 days of design time fixing an issue with production on the Alpine mat so in all likelihood, it won’t be done before the KS funds. They will be done soon though, and ship in the third production tun with will arrive in April. You can purchase form us directly, yes. But the KS pledges account for almost all of the mats we have ordered already and I recommend you pledge on the KS to ensure you get the one you want first in line!
Done and done. I tossed in a couple extra bucks for shipping and potentially a Christmas mix 8-track for Frankie.
Fantastic. Looks like a satellite shot almost.
Thanks! Yeah, this one came out so awesome! I really dig it.
This is the best one yet! I was a bit sceptical when “thousand craters” came out, but they’ve gotten progressively better since then. Great work guys!
This may have been asked and answered elsewhere. If so, I apologize. Will the mats be ‘true’ sized? Your sample mats seem to be about a cumulative 1/2″ shy of the 4′ wide, for example. The edges of my own (in the basement) table are all chipped to crap, but it’s my table, so I’m used to allowing for an extra bit of room when determining whether a unit runs off the board (and so on). Also, do you know how will they handle 60%+ humidity? And finally (for now), do they expand/contract in heat/cold? I’m in the Midwest, and I don’t have a fancy basement, so I have to dress warm to go play in the winter….
The mats will be exactly 4′ wide, but can vary in length up to 5mm.
This is the one that pushed me over the edge, I’m in and you’ve got my pledge. I can’t wait to try it out.
Yeah, Barren Wasteland is my favorite, too!
Those look great! I know what I’m spending some of my tax return on!
Awesome! Glad you like them =)