Let me get this clear… You place your blast template centered over the model you want to snipe. If it does not deviate then all wounds must come from the center of the blast template and and radiate outward until until the model centermost is dead?
Where in the 40k big book does it state this? I am trying to find the wording but I think I am missing it. Page 33 says in the last paragraph of BLAST & LARGE BLAST “Any unsaved wounds are then allocated on the unit as for a normal shooting attack.” This would then mean allocate wounds start nearest to the shooting player.
What am I missing? Where does it say from the center of the template out? What page? I would like to know when I use this snipe on someone!
The video is still private.
Cheers from Switzerland. You make the best 40k videos.
Glad you enjoy our videos we have a lot of fun making them
This video is private
Fixed it sorry about that
Can’t access the video.
Should work now
Excellent demonstration of barrage sniping! Where did you get that lava terrain?
Wargamma makes those awesome lava craters.
I am always at the receiving end of the barrage sniping. Could you make an video about “how to protect your models from barrage sniping”?
Still hilarious subtitles/speech bubbles – reminds me of Monty Python!
Rees…tell me about those lava pits used in terrain
Great videos!
Let me get this clear… You place your blast template centered over the model you want to snipe. If it does not deviate then all wounds must come from the center of the blast template and and radiate outward until until the model centermost is dead?
Where in the 40k big book does it state this? I am trying to find the wording but I think I am missing it. Page 33 says in the last paragraph of BLAST & LARGE BLAST “Any unsaved wounds are then allocated on the unit as for a normal shooting attack.” This would then mean allocate wounds start nearest to the shooting player.
What am I missing? Where does it say from the center of the template out? What page? I would like to know when I use this snipe on someone!
I think I know what I missed… Blast and Large Blast are different than Barrage… correct?