Geoff “InControl” Robinson of SC2 fame, challenges Spam Adams for a spot on Team Zero Comp! If he wins, he’s on the team. If he loses, he has to leave with his head hanging in shame! Sentinels of Terra Imperial Fists Space Marines Drop Pod list vs. Tyranids: may the best man win!
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Fixed it thanks for pointing that out.
There’s no link to the video?
Fixed it haha sorry guys
very cool to see him join the team
He earned it!
If you guys pay attention, you can see me near the beginning of the video. I’m the short guy in the red t-shirt playing a game in a rematch between my 5th Ed. Draigowing army against GTA’s (Grant Theft Auto’s) Deer Council Deldar.
Anyways, congrats to Geoff for making it to T0C. Ok, Geoff, your true test will be when you go up against me. Lol. Maybe we will have a bug-on-bug battle. Double flyrants vs flyrant + Swarmy? Maybe we’ll find out.
I would love to see this Nid Vs. Nid battle!
I would love to see that!
Where those lists at the beginning accurate? I like watching inControl and he seems like a strong player so why not have him face a list that tests his abilities a little more? The total lack of high strength low AP fire was going to make dealing with all those monstrous creatures really really hard for the IF player. Sure those gaunts where destined to die like dogs to twinlinked bolter fire/flamers but there was little ability to chew through all those 6 wound T6 3+ MCs. With two that can score that’s a huge disadvantage.
A deployment that wasn’t H&A or a more aggressive push with the Prime from the beginning probably would have resulted in a tabling.
I didn’t list all the wargear of the IF player as I didn’t have his list to work with.