In this episode of Warhammer 40K Tips, Tricks and Dirty Tactics we discuss how to pull of Focus Fire Sniping! Check out the Tactics Corner for more Tips, Tricks and Dirty Tactics!

In this episode of Warhammer 40K Tips, Tricks and Dirty Tactics we discuss how to pull of Focus Fire Sniping! Check out the Tactics Corner for more Tips, Tricks and Dirty Tactics!
I am pretty sure there is no cover save given for shooting threw friendly non-vehicle to opponents. Only Opponents shooting threw enemy units.
I could be wrong but you might want to double check this rule under cover save rules.
Any time you shoot through a unit, you grant the target a 5+, pg. 18.
That was a very clear and helpful video, and I’ll be trying this tactic out. It doesn’t make me feel as dirty as the Rhino Scope
Thanks! And this one is super easy to do, it actually comes up organically in games all the time.