Grant Theft Auto decides it’s time to play a big boy army and picks up Tyranids over his usual Deldar Seer Council list against Spam Adam’s Taudar and hilarity ensues! Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps, articles and reviews!
Grant Theft Auto decides it’s time to play a big boy army and picks up Tyranids over his usual Deldar Seer Council list against Spam Adam’s Taudar and hilarity ensues! Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps, articles and reviews!
Tough to keep your head up while getting rammed by TauDar. Great showing though! Hopefully you’ll get some re-rolls in the new dex.
Nids can beat them, they just need to alter their tactics! It is doable but Grant is used to his Seer Council which can just fly right at Tau and kill them due to being so hard to hurt.
LOL, that was funny with all the voices from the peanut gallery. So, um, ya, GTA your guys dont have a 2++ rerollable save. Send in your chumps first or wait till the second turn when you know whats dropping in, then send in your chumps with the big boys second.
I face palmed when I saw what you did with your two Rants agains all the skyfire…Oh well live and learn, if you could have dumped a few more units it would have been a tie and or win.
Hahah, right?! You can’t send the fragile Flyrants directly into the teeth of the enemy!
“fuck shit up” Ooops, language, “screw shit up” Awesome.
Great batrep as usual.
Great battle report! Really surprising results, too. I was expecting Grant to get clobbered. It’s a difficult match up and his first time playing Nids.
I was under the impression that Tau/Eldar were crazy hard for Tyranids to fight. I’d like to see a rematch (or maybe just Reece vs some Tau).
Nids are really good, they just have some awful match-ups. If you are a good Nid player you can fight against almost anyone effectively, it’s just DE that are a real Nightmare.
Tau are tough too, as are wave serpent Eldar. It really depends on the board.
Good point. Nids are really terrain dependent.
Hey Grant… looks like this is some karma after taking down my nids at Celesticon.
You totally leeroy jenkinsed the plan in this one, charging the enemy guns on turn one doesn’t give you many toys left to play with in turn two!
Good advice! I think he was trying to clog the enemy guns with the bodies of his bugs =P
Finally the greatest bat rep in my one game of nid playing history
Your shit is weak
Copper, you are a mean, mean man! And yes, hearing Grant cry about not getting rerolls was too funny.
Hahaha Grant you crack me up, dude! Glad you didn’t get too sad about missing rerolls but Nids are a lot of fun to play when you get the hang of them.
Hmmm imagine JoWW-ing that massive Inititive 2 line of tides and sides, two podded RPs with ten hunters would get at least one power off haha just spit balling that fearsome list, as for the nids it’s a toughy maybe a shit ton of podded telepathy zoanthropes like 6 of them, puppet master and shriek would immolate those tides
Reece, you need to tell your crew to stop playing 40k on Baby Mode
When they play non-cheese armies they just run forward as fast as possible with the bullets of their enemies spraying in their face like the mist of an Irish Spring morning.
Haha nah, GTA’s first go at Nids was bound to be more comedy than anything, fun Batrep! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to burn the image of Grant’s pelvic thrusts to Rock you like a Hurricane out of my head.
Hahahaha, I know I was going to edit that out but I just couldn’t it was too funny!
And yes, funny how some armies can’t just fly right at you and be invincible….and Grant gets mad about that! =P
Funny how much things depend on your perception of them.
Ever since I heard this on the podcast.
You shoulds get GTA to play his own army list with someones elses, teach him how annnoying it is
I think my favorite part was Reece in the background yelling “they take skill”
Hahaha, something a Seer Council player is probably unfamiliar with =P
Paint your shit, Adam!
Also, why is Grant speaking in the third person? Love the porn music, brah.
No more strange than the hip thrusting during “Rock me Like a Hurricane!” haha