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Signals from the Frontline: Wrahammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Shenanigans!

Signals from the Frontline

signals from the Frontline

Show Notes



Rumors: The Rumor Section is gathered from the web and is not in any way information we receive from  any manufacturer nor is it necessarily accurate. This section of the podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Rant Session

Tactics Corner

Rules Lawyer

List Review

White Scars Tactics HQ: Chapter Master Bike, Thunder Hammer, Eternal Shield, Combi Gun HQ: Khan

HQ: DA Librarian Lv2, Bike, Force Maul, Melta Bombs, PFG

T: Bike Squad Sgt. Combi-Gun, 5x Bikers, 2x Grav Guns

T: Bike Squad Sgt. Combi-Gun, 5x Bikers, 2x Grav Guns

T: Bike Squad Sgt. Combi-Gun, 5x Bikers, 2x Grav Guns

T: Bike Squad Sgt. Combi-Gun, 5x Bikers, 1x PlasmaGun, 1x Flamer

T: Tactical Squad Sgt, Melta Bombs, Marine x4

FA: Black Knights Sgt. Melta Bombs, Grenade Launcher, Knights x4

FA: Storm Talon- TL Lascannons FA: Storm Talon- Skyhammer Missiles


It has enough of everything to deal with most units. It does suffer from low model count but hopefully its speed helps. TFG for sniping and anti infantry in cover. Talons for anti air. Enough Plasma and Grav Guns for MCs and TL Bolters for anti infantry. Im really digging this list.


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