The Sisters of Battle take on the Mighty, Mighty Footdar in this 1750 battle report! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps, articles and tactics!
The Sisters of Battle take on the Mighty, Mighty Footdar in this 1750 battle report! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps, articles and tactics!
Try this Jacobus and 5 priests with power mauls with one priest with litanies of faith so you can pass all your acts of faith and war hymn rolls. one priest or jacobus uses reroll saves, one uses reroll wounds, and the others use their smash ability so that will give you 16 str5 ap2 on the charge or being charged with counter attack, reroll to hit and to wound, or against tougher units you can smash attack on the charge or being charged for 12 str8 ap2 attacks with all the goodies.
That’s pretty savage! We’ll have to try it.
20 Sisters with Jacobus and a Litanies Priest is another alternative. Guaranteed rerollable 3+/5++ with Hatred, Preferred Enemy, Fearless, and a bunch of other special rules, for pretty cheap. Good tarpit, not unlike a blob squad. Ally Red Hunters for a Chapter Master beatstick, too.
Cool until they get shot by bolters.
That’s why the go in a blob of 20 girls
They not the oops lol
haha, or a Blog of 50 IG!
When are you going to paint that WraithKnight!?!? Great batrep as usual.
I’d love to paint it but we’ve been so crazy busy I haven’t had the chance.
How do you play the LoS blocker piece of terrain in the centre? It looks like you don’t count the height when moving?
We abstract it, 3″ up or down to move on or off it.
will the Vegas open be allowing an IC with infiltrate to join a unit and infiltrate with it?
Yes, same as Adepticon, Feast of Blades, and Da Boyz GT
Got dang, you are lookin creepy with that beard talkin about your girls, tasty! GG.
How long have you been waiting to finally bust out those 20 Immolaters! Its nice seeing some SoB on the table for a change.
I know, right?! Haha, I thought I was gong to get my clock cleaned but the Wraith units did work.
On the first turn, you say ”I battle focused my wraithguard”. Is this a Iyanden special rule?
Yes, the Primaris power for an Iyanden Spiritseer is Battlefocus on Wraithguard/blades.
Thanks! I’l have to order a copy, I love the wraithguard!
Yeah, it’ super good for D-Scythes! It also gives the unit Furious Charge!