Tastey Taste picks up the gauntlet and accepts Frankie’s take all comers challenge to test his new Dark Eldar tournament list! This helps Frankie to hone his list in preparation for the coming season as well as grant a prize to anyone that can take him down! Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps!
Makes me happy that a top player like Frankie runs the same DE list (pretty much) that I run. What are his thoughts on dealing with flyers?
Blasters and dark lances son! fly behind the flyer and shoot it in the rear with your strength 8 weapons. Only need a few to hit and you should have plenty. Worst flyer would be a storm raven though
but would just need to get lucky against that one.
Whats the prize?
Maybe I should make a trip up north with a quad stormraven list.
BTW that was just terrible for the sisters, teaches him to bring a vehicle wall v.s. a blaster/lance wall of hurt.
Bahaha I welcome the challenge. We will play with no terrain so I can kill everything you have on the board first turn.
How many points is the challenge?
Oh that’s tempting!
You have to play in a video bat rep for it to count but, that is it! No risk, if you win you get some goodies, if you lose you can just try again later!
ohh, I’ll be over there, the friday saturday and I think sunday BEfore LVO….
That would be awesome!
well..that was rough >.<
Once I get my White Scars/DA list up………IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG
Hey what’s up with the 100 pt disparity with the armies. I got the sisters at 1565 and DE at 1667 (could be more you never specify how many trueborn were taken)
I didn’t get the army lists from the players and was going off of memory when I wrote it into the notes. They were both equal size.
Does the army have to be painted and do we have to let you know in advance for the challenge? Or can we just show up?
Painted is awesome, but you can come as you are. Be sure to shcedule the game though, Frankie is on a tight schedule.