Check out our this the first in our new video series: Warhammer 40K Tips, Tricks and Dirty tactics! Let us know what you think, we plan on doing one a week, more if they’re popular. This first one is simple: Rhino Wall Tactics! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more articles and videos!
Thumps up! I want to see more!
Greetz from Austria
Will do, glad you liked it!
Awesome vid and never thought of it so I’m totally gonna start using it
Glad it was helpful!
Nope. Imagination’s broken. Show how to do this with chimeras
Haha, fair enough!
Very neat concept Reece I really enjoyed that! Not so much the roleplaying commentary lol.
Haha, the comments were hilarious we thought! But hey, not for everyone.
Death to the false emperor lol
Haha, Chaos FTW!
Loved the video, could you guys maybe do a video over the Tau buff commander and how dirty it can be? Our local meta lacks Tau players so I don’t get to really see what it can do, and why LOS blocking terrain can be so vital to foil its plans. Thanks guys love what you do.
Good suggestions! We will do so.
Very cool, MORE!!
If you think a little bit forward, try to find classification ( like this one could be movement phase tactics) when you have enough, it will be easier to navigate and you ca try to find a tip on each phase (list, before deployment, first or second, night fight, 1 turn, etc)
Ah, excellent idea! That is solid, we will do that. Anything to help organize things better is right up my ally. I am a bit of a fiend for order, haha.
I think it would be really helpful for me at least to see some deployment tactics and counter deployments tactics. For like shooty armies like tau and IG
Yeah, deployment is often the most important part of the game and counter-deployment subsequently is as well. We can definitely do that.
I second the deploying suggestion!!
Alright, that sounds like a lot of people want to see it. That will be a bit more in-depth though as it is such a complex issue, but we can attack it in parts.
awesome. more of this good sir!
The tactcs were good, but what really got me was the role playing. For a second I really though I was a Plague Marine bringing the fight to the corpse dogs. Really brought me into the story. One could say you were Forging the Narrative.
Hahaha we forged the shit out of that narrative!
Haha, great video! The commentary was fantastic. Love the idea, too.
A few random ideas for videos (a lot of these seem obvious to “competitive” players, but the casual gamers might not be aware):
Dirty tactic: Focus fire sniping with two units. (Friendly unit A moves partially in front of an enemy unit. Friendly unit B focus fires on the enemy unit, killing only the models that weren’t being blocked by friendly unit A).
Tip: Bubble wrap and/or board control. How do you prevent Eldar Jetbikes from auto-contesting an objective on turn 5? How can you use a horde to control where flyers go? How do you protect an important unit from being charged by a fast assault threat?
Tip: Charging with a weaker throwaway unit (or an incredibly tough unit – Dreadnought, MC) to absorb overwatch.
Tip: Show the importance of tarpitting. You could even roll the dice, show how long it would take a 300 point Daemon Prince to carve through 150 points of Termagants. Not every threat needs to be killed.
Excellent suggestions, and ones we forget to talk about because they’re normal moves to us but are not obvious to.others.
Should also post the pivot tactic with the rhino, where you deploy against deployment line horizontally and then during movement phase you get your free pivot to bring you facing your opponent to gain between 2-3 inches depending on the size of the transport.
Yes, that is another good one that a lot of folks miss.
Love the idea of tactics videos, i will be listening to all of thoses that’s for sure….
Great video…i always use my Rhino’s as LOS blockers but never though of doing it that way, you just made one of my tactic even more effective..awesome
Any time I get to hear more shenanigans from you guys it makes my day. The tactics are extremely nice to see in a quick breakdown like this. Keep em coming!
Brilliant video, could u do one on how to get in rear armour of other fliers (heldrakes!) with stormtalons without being shot/vector struck?
I think alot of people will be caught out of position with the Scout move threat that Khan Bikers pose, specially with Grav Guns. I think it would be a great tip to basically dimonstrate that ability and how much of a threat bubble it puts out, specially going 1st with Khan. This could be followed up on with a “how to block scout,” segments using infiltraters, your own scouts, Servo Skulls, etc.
Simple but very helpful and well done. Please keep making more of these!
Will do!
Great trick/tactic! Keep them coming!
Thanks, and will do!
Great stuff, keep it coming! I loved the funny voices.
Any videos you can do to help get more out of the Assault Phase or to help out armies that would like to include more assault elements against “shooty gunline” armies would be awesome.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the video! I’ve had this in mind to combo with the DA Banner of Dvastation. Makes that list a lot more mobile while still protecting them from return fire. Previously I had been using the ADL, but hated how static the army was.
Yeah, this is a solid combo! And, you can take an ADL half way up the table to give cover to the Rhinos, too!
Who needs an ADL when you have powerfield generators?
That there, is a good combo!
I was under the assumption that all units moved and then all units shot. Maybe i am wrong. But if i am not then the unit cannot shoot an enemy then have the tank move into LOS to block the counter fire.
The tank moves in the shooting phase instead of shooting, and you just do things in the right order to use this trick.
I had to reread rulebook as I would have bet my life that you could noyl move ‘up to 6 inches in a straight line’. It doesn’t. Thats wierd, I always though you could only flat out in a straight line that you are facing.
Great Videos!
Please keep that up!