Hey Everyone White925 here going to talk a little bit about my Feast of B lades invitational list. So lets start off by saying I am stoked to head out to Denver and play some games of 40K Yay! Feast of blades is looking like a great event and I have been really enjoying there Facebook Updates.
The Invitational is 1850 pts, no comp, book missions, Cheese accepted tournament. I am going in with a very strong Deamon list and would like to see what you guys think of it. Anyways lets get into the list:
Deamons(main)/ Chaos Space marines(Allie)
-Hearld of Slaanesh, steed, exalted gift, lesser locus of grace X2
-Hearld of Khorne, Juggernaught, Lesser gift
-Abbadon (Allie)
Fast Attack
-Seekers of Slaanesh X14
-Seekers of Slaanesh X15
-Khorne Hounds X15
-Helldrake, Baleflamer (Allie)
-Plaguebearers X10
-Pink Horrors X10
-Cultists X10 (Allie)
And thats the ball game folks! So Lets break this bad boy down. We have one of the worst psychers in the game: Space Chicken
Which is actually the backbone of any deamon list with the re-roll for the warpstorm table to the re-roll every player turn he is hands down one of the best force multipliers in the game. Plus hes shoots the pants off most units. In my play tests he has won me two of my 5 games alone by flying around nuking the crap out of troops and contesting objectives.
My hearld lackeys dont get a lot of credit but make my seekers and khorne dogs a million times better giving them move through cover and an ap 2 weapon in combat. They also carry the Grimor and portal glyph which make Deamons into a top tier army alone haha.
The man of the hour however holds down mid field and beats the crap out of most units/ characters in Close Combat. He may not be able to win a black Crusade with his own army but with a little help from the gods maybe he can do it this time! He adds a huge punch and provides a really scary unit in which deamons are missing in my opinion. The man the myth the legend: Abaddizle
The troops suck in the list but will hopefully survive and hold some objectives. I should also be able to create some more troops with the portal glyph as long as it doesnt die. Luckily with book missions straight up I dont think the troops are as important as fast attack are scoring in the highest objective mission and the rest I should only need to hold one objective and blast the opponent off the others.
Well that is the list and will hopefully be able to hold its own against some of the best players in the country. I look forward to hearing what you guys think.
I will continue to train my dice to roll sixes and let y’all know how I did in the end.