Ive found that if tervigons keep spawning I can barely keep up attrition battle with my guard. With my chaos armies I cant keep up and am ground down to nothing and the monstrous creatures mop me up.
Thanks! I took my second loss yesterday and I lost BIG! Got totally pwnd by Daemons. I played like an idiot, but that would have been a tough game either way.
It was a list featuring Seekers, Fiends, Fateweaver, Hell Turkey and a bunch of psykers. Very good list and I made a huge mistake in the beginning of the game that cost me.
Oh no doubt, I could have beat him that game, I was just going on very little sleep and made a huge tactical blunder that cost me the game and then he rolled an 11 on the Warp Storm table, turning my Warlord into a herald and I just called it there, hahaha, the game was over.
One idea for you… Grizzly trophies on your Ravager… 5points to re-roll psychic checks (all leadership tests…5th ed codex FTW) in close proximity, can be v useful (also against Doom).
Excellent idea! I had not considered that and seriously, lately I have been failing about 1/4 to 1/3 of my checks, on an 11 every time too, it’s weird. But no, that is a brilliant idea, thanks!
No worries, I modelled mine using the corpse on a stick from the fantasy corpse cart… The effort makes me feel better about the Battle Brother shenanigans.
We are list comrades, I however already have two wave serpents and they kick butt and take names…all the names.
I think I am just going to use a single Serpent. I like them a lot, but I keep vacillating between 1 and 2. I think I prefer 2 units of Dires on foot over the second Serpent, but I will most likely paint up two to have so I can mix it up.
Also, speaking of fickle dice: Played a team game over the weekend (1500 pts/player – Orks/Necrons vs. Nids/Eldar…we randomized teams after army builds). 2nd turn of the game had the Okr Warboss and his Nob biker buddies 5″ from a unit of Wraithguard….rolled snake-eyes for the charge distance under Waagh!! Bikers don’t get the Fleet rule under Waaghh (Infantry only)!! 3rd Turn of the game rolled snake-eyes again for another charge that game (different unit). Woohooo!!! Still, it was a fun game. We had some good laughs and got to game with some good guys I’ve known for a long time.
Great game Reece! I was feeling pretty good about it till that melee with the Ymgarls went south. Definitely some swings on both sides, but no regrets. I don’t think I would have done anything differently if played again. The only real gamble I took was charging the tyrant up to snipe the baron. If I could have avoided the grounding checks it would have been worth it, so taking the risk and leaving his cod hanging out there was ok. I think this game really highlights how good target priority and fire sequencing really makes the difference between good players and consistently great players. Your turn four shooting was perfect. By holding back the walkers you took advantage of the tervigon failing all his cover saves and we’re able to kill the hive guard too with volume fire. I had fun, gotta get work to send me out of town again for a rematch.
Ive found that if tervigons keep spawning I can barely keep up attrition battle with my guard. With my chaos armies I cant keep up and am ground down to nothing and the monstrous creatures mop me up.
Yeah, not getting more Gants really hurt. That was what put the nail in Vince’s coffin.
I graduated from Clovis west
Great game – big win for the space elves !
Thanks! I took my second loss yesterday and I lost BIG! Got totally pwnd by Daemons. I played like an idiot, but that would have been a tough game either way.
what sort of daemon list? Have you fought a daemonette horde speed build?
It was a list featuring Seekers, Fiends, Fateweaver, Hell Turkey and a bunch of psykers. Very good list and I made a huge mistake in the beginning of the game that cost me.
His daemons aren’t unbeatable, but you can’t really make mistakes against him. He will punish you when you do.
Oh no doubt, I could have beat him that game, I was just going on very little sleep and made a huge tactical blunder that cost me the game and then he rolled an 11 on the Warp Storm table, turning my Warlord into a herald and I just called it there, hahaha, the game was over.
What was the intro song? Very nice watch btw.
Just a random MP3 file I had with my editing software. It’s pretty cool though, huh?
One idea for you… Grizzly trophies on your Ravager… 5points to re-roll psychic checks (all leadership tests…5th ed codex FTW) in close proximity, can be v useful (also against Doom).
Excellent idea! I had not considered that and seriously, lately I have been failing about 1/4 to 1/3 of my checks, on an 11 every time too, it’s weird. But no, that is a brilliant idea, thanks!
No worries, I modelled mine using the corpse on a stick from the fantasy corpse cart… The effort makes me feel better about the Battle Brother shenanigans.
We are list comrades, I however already have two wave serpents and they kick butt and take names…all the names.
I think I am just going to use a single Serpent. I like them a lot, but I keep vacillating between 1 and 2. I think I prefer 2 units of Dires on foot over the second Serpent, but I will most likely paint up two to have so I can mix it up.
I don’t think you lack mobility now, and there’s a lot to be said for boots on the ground… As long as there aren’t a lot of turkeys around
Great report and nice looking armies!! Tangentical, great idea using the Grizzly Trophies….have to look into that one.
Also, speaking of fickle dice: Played a team game over the weekend (1500 pts/player – Orks/Necrons vs. Nids/Eldar…we randomized teams after army builds). 2nd turn of the game had the Okr Warboss and his Nob biker buddies 5″ from a unit of Wraithguard….rolled snake-eyes for the charge distance under Waagh!! Bikers don’t get the Fleet rule under Waaghh (Infantry only)!! 3rd Turn of the game rolled snake-eyes again for another charge that game (different unit). Woohooo!!! Still, it was a fun game. We had some good laughs and got to game with some good guys I’ve known for a long time.
Great game Reece! I was feeling pretty good about it till that melee with the Ymgarls went south. Definitely some swings on both sides, but no regrets. I don’t think I would have done anything differently if played again. The only real gamble I took was charging the tyrant up to snipe the baron. If I could have avoided the grounding checks it would have been worth it, so taking the risk and leaving his cod hanging out there was ok. I think this game really highlights how good target priority and fire sequencing really makes the difference between good players and consistently great players. Your turn four shooting was perfect. By holding back the walkers you took advantage of the tervigon failing all his cover saves and we’re able to kill the hive guard too with volume fire. I had fun, gotta get work to send me out of town again for a rematch.