We’ve gone Eldar crazy! Grant busts out his dual deathstar Eldar/Dark Eldar Jetseer and Beast Pack list against Israel’s Tau. This is an interesting game because Israel is a veteran Tau player and Grant is a veteran Deldar alliance player. Grant didn’t change his list at all and Warlocks on bikes were one of the units I was very interested to see under the new rules as they looked like they took quite a rules hit at first read through. ==Caution, adult language!==
Nice report, close game.
but internet says warlocks are useless lol!
Just to check it looked like the eldar player was casting Maledictions after he moved. Removing armour or dominating etc. I thought they had to be done before the guys moved? I maybe wrong as you cant see the exact measurements
good report tho, I like the Tau list. VERY strong. The new tetras are super cheap and the commanders give so much to the list with drone controlling and buffing powers. Eldar list is very good also as long as he gets the powers he wants, in a tournament probably likely not to get them in one game and then its going to be v tough.
I will ask Grant is he was doing that as that is illegal. I wasn’t there for this game, actually.
I was thinking the same thing, it looks like he is outside of the 24″ range/LOS of most of those spells before he moved, but I marked it off as he probably measured. But yeah watching it again it looks more like he was out of range.
If so I will definitely bring that to his attention as that makes a really big difference.
Grant did make a mistake in the game he played against me. He thought that you don’t need LOS to cast the eldar powers like Doom and Fortune. After the game, I checked and those powers are just normal maledictions/blessings, meaning you do need LOS.
This is one of the most disgusting Tau lists I’ve seen. On paper it could table some armies by turn 2
It is pretty nasty, having played against it if you do not have the right tools for the job, you are owned.
Yeah that list is beautiful
The only way to really beat the seer council is to alpha-strike them hard before they get a chance to “power up”. Either that or pray that they don’t get Fortune. With that said, the seer council is a bad matchup for Tau unless you pack a lot of fireknives or double-plasmas. The farsight-bomb can give them a run for their money though.
And we wonder why girls are still very very few and far between in this game.
Interesting game marred by pretty bad language.
Definitely some bad language in there which I was sure to warn about in the intro. Had women been present, I am sure the fellas would have toned it down.
If women were present Israel would have been wearing his Tau muscle shirt and being all ‘Latiny’. Actually, I can’t watch the video at work. Is he wearing that muscle shirt? Is he slightly sweaty? I’m sure the sweat is glistening a little bit on his muscles, which are protruding mightily from within that tight shirt.
Hahaha, no, not the Tau muscle shirt, but a tight shirt none the less! haha
… and by ‘bad language’ you mean homophobic and sexist bigotry. I’m all for the 4th amendment and swear like a sailor myself, but this borders on hate speech.
I feel bad for Grant having to play against this guy and for you having to put up with Israel in your store. This guy needs to adjust his attitude and join us in the 21st century.
I think you are reading more into it than is there, Israel is actually a really cool guy and neither homophobic or sexist at all. We just joke around a lot when it is all adult guys in the shop and the humor gets a bit rough. We’re all actually really open minded and laid back, I think it just came across the wrong way.
If you say so…
How did the Seer Council Hit and Run?
Baron has Hit and Run.
So the Baron rides with the Council. I did not hear that at all.
Maybe he forgot to say it.
Also check his multi assaulting. Triple assaulting against units spread out, IMHO will never work. You have to move every model that can get into base to base to the primary first, then and only then you can go to the second . The vehicle and the riptide vs what 6 jet bikes , is impossible to do this let alone the marker light drones. Iirc.
I thought the same thing. The hardest thing is to stay in coherency. A Triple assault like the one above is almost impossible, especially with how he explained the units are.
There’s no reason why Grant could not have triple assaulted versus bunched up Tau.
Warseers FTW !!!
Another great report. The tau really messed up turn 1. I thought for sure he would have gone for the seer council BEFORE the powers got cast and all. Alas, not the case and he paid for it. I feel like the eldar player could have baited the tau into ignoring the council with the beasts.
Also, that Tau list sure is nasty, but i feel 4 tetras are overkill. And the small unit of marker drones seemed out of place…
From my angle it looks like most of them were hidden behind the ruin. Not sure how much he could’ve done.
Also, against Tau, you can make them pay for only having 36″ range on those broadsides if you have enough mobility or better range. Only thing in his army that was in range was the riptides and the seeker missiles. And both if you stay out of Markerlight range (hard to do since they are mobile), you can not get hit as hard.
Thanks for the post.