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Update on Eldar Orders


Hey everyone, Reece here with Frontline Gaming to give you an update on your Eldar pre-order.

GW is experiencing product shortages at the moment. We received half of our order the previous Friday and all of those items have shipped out, fulfilled in the order they came in.
For those of you that paid for your order after Monday of last week, your order will come in to us this coming Friday but our rep already told us we will not be getting many of the new-release items as GW is low or out of them, which is what most of you are looking for.
I have spent the day calling third party distribution Warehouses around the country, and everyone is very low on Eldar product if they have any at all. We are doing everything we can to source more product to get orders out as fast as we can.
The long and short of it is that there are going to be delays in fulfilling these orders as we feared may happen. Like Tau, GW was not prepared for this release and we may not get the full stock of what we ordered until the end of the month as we said in our promotional posts and as GW warned us may happen. For those of you who have not heard, GW shut down their North American factory, which is why there have been so many shortages lately.
We sincerely apologize for the delays, but it is out of our hands. We wanted to let you all know ASAP though, so that this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone.
We will not know until week’s end how much product we will have to work with, but we wanted to give you all a head’s up as I am sure you are all anxious to get your items. We ask that you all bare with us as we wait for GW to catch up with demand. We will let you all know what we have to ship at week’s end and for each of your orders we can do partial shipments with what we get and either cancel the rest or ship it separately, wait until we get everything to ship, or cancel orders with no hard feelings.
Thank you for your continued business,
Reece & Frankie
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