Another great video bat rep from Sinister Wargaming!
7 thoughts on “Video Battle Report: 1850 Chaos Daemons vs. Grey Knights”
Interesting game. I feel like the GK’s would have done better out of the rhinos, putting pressure on the farmost objective and forcing te DP’s to spread out. Forgetting PreffEnemy is def a big mistake that could have netted you more damage overall.
Thanks for posting the batrep!
Interesting game. I feel like the GK’s would have done better out of the rhinos, putting pressure on the farmost objective and forcing te DP’s to spread out. Forgetting PreffEnemy is def a big mistake that could have netted you more damage overall.
Thanks for posting the batrep!
Great batrep. Always good seeing the grek knights getting an arse whooping
Even worse a whooping by Daemons who they are ment to crush
You should use Psilencers.
by the way, great batrep.
i thought those daemons will die quick but i was wrong.
Glad yo liked it!