Signals from the Frontline: New Releases, Gaming News, Rumors, 40K List Review, Reece Admits he was Wrong!!
4-26-13 Show Notes
- New 40K FAQs.
- Tons of High Elf rules over at Faeit and BoLS. Matt Ward is the author. http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/04/more-high-elf-rules-and-information.html
- Games Day confirmations in the next White Dwarf. Memphis, USA; Modena, Italy; Brimingham, UK; Bochum, Germany
- Shadowrun 5th ed is in the works and their blog is being updated with designer entries which is fun to read. http://www.shadowruntabletop.com/2013/04/sr5-development-pathways-to-power-for-adepts/
- New Forgeworld releases! Ork command, Necron Models, and Earthworks and crashede Thunderhawk realm of battle table quarter. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff
- Some very cool 28mm Fantasy terrain from a company called Tabletop WOrkshop, give them a look. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tabletop-Workshop/563457086999981
- Kromlech is at it again with some sweet new Ork Sobiet heads! Russian Orks! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kromlecheu/239710392729668
- Ramshackle Games put out a new, super cool 28mm Drone Walker. Check it out, woul dbe great for an AdMech army or IG. Only 10 GBP, too, which is about $16 bucks, crazy cheap. http://shop.ramshacklegames.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=436
- Crystal Brush winners announced on their site! http://www.crystalbrush.com/winners/
- New Edition of Dark Age on the way. http://dark-age.com/content.php?178-New-Beginnings
- New Dwarf Miners set from Scibor out http://sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php?art=1770
- New Campaign book out for Dust Tactics, Icarus http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4091
- Pig Iron comes out with some new Head Options, they make great stuff, these look like Special Ops guys. http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/
- Secret Weapon’s terrain kickstarter is kicking ass. 15 days to go, blown their target away, $157 of $80K, and the new stuff they’re looking to make looks just boss. Matching terrain and bases for minis! Can’t wait to get some of this stuff! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1084069684/tablescapes-by-secret-weapon-miniatures
- Dawn of War 3 may be in the works. Unclear as Sony bought the rights to many of THQ’s games, and they appear to be working on a Fantasy game, but 40K may or may not be in the works. THQ said they were in the initial stages of getting DoW3 off of the ground.
- Supposedly Fantasy 8th ed is planned for a potential 2014 release. Skaven are also slated for 2014 and the return of flying high to Fantasy. That seems to jive with the Flyers in 40K, and the new High Elf models such as the Phoenix and flying chariot. http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/04/flying-high-returns-to-fantasy-with.html
- http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/04/high-elves-skycutter-stats-frostheart.html
- Phil Kelly is writing Eldar. Please Phil, deliver the goods on this one! Everything is saying June.
- More rumors of Wraithguard in plastic with a CC varient. Very excited for this, my Footdar are going to be happy.
- Eldar getting a Knight!! Boo Yah! For those who don’t remember them, an Eldar Knight is an old Epic scale model between a Revenant and Wraithlord in size. It would come on an oval base and be the size of a Riptide. So cool!
Rant Session
- Some players have convinced me to take another look at a few units. Paul Murphy’s Maulerfiends and Dr. Insantron’s article on the Sun Shark Bomber.
List Review
Hi there! Excellent! I should clarify a couple of things though:
- The dlord has a warscythe, the riptide has twin linked fusion blasters. Forgot to put that in there initially! Greatly looking forward to your input.
- I would like to submit a list for your review on your podcast, at the 1750 pt level of 40k. It looks like this:
- Necrons (Main):
- Destroyer Lord with Mindshackle Scarabs, Resurrection Orb, and Septurnal Weave
- 5 Warriors with Night Scythe
- 5 Warriors with Night Scythe
- 6x Wraiths (3 whip coils)
- Annihilation Barge
- Tau:
- Ethereal
- Riptide with Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override, and Stimulant Injector
- 19 Kroot with Sniper Rounds
- 19 Kroot with Sniper Rounds
- 10 Pathfinders with carbines and markerlights
- 3 Broadsides with High Yield Missiles, 6 missile drones, early warning Overrides
- Total: 1748 pts.
Have you guys signed up for the D&D Next Playtest? It’s Free
No, but we will have to look into that. We have converted over to Pathfinder, but we can give the old girl another try!
But you’re already playing D&D 3.5 *hides under the table*.
Haha, fair enough! More like 3.75!
What do you guys think of aun’va instead of the ethereal?
I helped design the list and the ethereal was chosen mostly for kroot support/stubborn, although aun’va would be even better at preventing them from running off (since his ability is global and lets you re-roll all LD tests, which i was thinking was also good at preventing them from getting swept in CC).
I guess it comes down to either mobile marker lights OR ld boosts, which do you think is more important?
I like Aun’Va a lot, but he is more expensive and easier to kill as he can’t join a unit. His board wide ability is sweet and having two auras is nice. I would play test both and see which you prefer.
8th ed Fantasy released a second time? =)
Haha, 9th, my bad!