And we’re off! After a marathon painting session to get everything ready, Frankie and I depart for Adpeticon at the crack of dawn.
Frankie is bringing Daemons and Chaos, I am sticking to my guns and running the old bugs, which look awesome if I do say so myself. I have them in a very cool Tablewar case, too. Vidar is meeting us there with his Chaos, and Warboss Dugg is coming, but not playing due to some back pain.
I expect we will see a metric boat load of Hell Turkies, Flying Croissants, and Flying Monstrous Creatures. We’ll see how the final 16 shakes down this year. I hope to make it to the finals for my third year in a row, but we’ll see. All it takes is one bad toss of the dice and you’re out!
We will update the blog as much as we can. Wish us luck!