In this double header, Jys busts out his Tzeentch Daemons against Capt’n Dees’ new Tau and Frankie’s Thunder Dome Space Wolves!
Game #1 – 1750 Tzeentch/Slaanesh Daemons vs Captn Dee’s Tau
1750 Daemons
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 2x Greater – Hellfire Gaze, FNP 4+, Perfect Timing, Forewarning, Flickering Fire (Warlord)
Warlord Trait – Re-roll Daemonic Instability
Tzeentch Herald – Lvl 3, Exalted, Loci of Conjuration – Grimoire of True Names, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
Tzeentch Herald – Lvl 3, Exalted, Loci of Conjuration – Portaglyph, Forewarning, Prescience, Flickering Fire
16x Pink Horrors
16x Pink Horrors
15x Seekers of Slaanesh
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 2x Greater – Fleshbane/Armourbane, 4+ FNP, Enfeeble, Life Leech, Flickering Fire
Soulgrinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
Soulgrinder – Tzeentch, Phlegm
1750 Tau
This is an approximation of his list from what I can recall.
Commander – 2+, T5, 2x Marker Drones
3x Crisis Suits – TL-Missiles
6x Stealth suits
10x Fire Warriors
10x Fire Warriors
10x Fire Warriors
20x Kroots
8x Pathfinders
7-8x Marker Drones (Commander here)
2x Piranhas
2x Broadsides – 4x Shield Drones
Aegis Defense Line – Icarus Lascannons
Game #2 – 1750 FMC Daemons vs Frankie’s Space Wolves Thunderdome
1750 Daemons
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Eternal Blade, Fleshbane, Prescience, Crap power, Flickering Fire (Warlord)
Warlord Trait – Instant Death
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Grimoire of True Names, FNP 4+, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Portaglyph, +1W, It Will Not Die!, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 2x Greater – Fleshbane/Armourbane, Hellfire Gaze, Iron Arm, Precognition, Flickering Fire
Soulgrinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
1750 Space Wolves
Wolf Lord – Thunderwolf, uber-killy
Wolf Lord – Thunderwolf, uber-killy
Wolf Lord – Thunderwolf, uber-killy
Wolf Lord – Thunderwolf, uber-killy
Company Command Squad
5x Grey Hunters – 1x Flamer
5x Grey Hunters – 1x Flamer
Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
2x Sabre Defense Platforms
2x Sabre Defense Platforms
23x Fenrisian Wolves
I heard Mastodon in the background at some point. Extremely good battle report music.
Right? I love Mastodon!
Here are my 2 lists and the psychic powers/rewards:
Game #1:
1750 Daemons
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 2x Greater – Hellfire Gaze, FNP 4+, Perfect Timing, Forewarning, Flickering Fire (Warlord)
Warlord Trait – Re-roll Daemonic Instability
Tzeentch Herald – Lvl 3, Exalted, Loci of Conjuration – Grimoire of True Names, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
Tzeentch Herald – Lvl 3, Exalted, Loci of Conjuration – Portaglyph, Forewarning, Prescience, Flickering Fire
16x Pink Horrors
16x Pink Horrors
15x Seekers of Slaanesh
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 2x Greater – Fleshbane/Armourbane, 4+ FNP, Enfeeble, Life Leech, Flickering Fire
Soulgrinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
Soulgrinder – Tzeentch, Phlegm
Game #2:
1750 Daemons
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Eternal Blade, Fleshbane, Prescience, Crap power, Flickering Fire (Warlord)
Warlord Trait – Instant Death
Lord of Change – Lvl 3, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Grimoire of True Names, FNP 4+, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 1x Exalted, 1x Greater – Portaglyph, +1W, It Will Not Die!, Perfect Timing, Prescience, Flickering Fire
Daemon Prince – Lvl 3, Tzeentch, 3+, Wings, 2x Greater – Fleshbane/Armourbane, Hellfire Gaze, Iron Arm, Precognition, Flickering Fire
Soulgrinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
Whoops! Didn’t see that Reece already posted the lists. Lol.
I will have to check out Mastodon !
They rock!
Good bat reps its nice to see competitive lists going at it. It’d be cool if you guyS did full length batreps with the new codexs so viewers can hear the new rules discussions dice rolls etc. Ik it’s a bigger pain editing wise but you could post it raw like a live batrep.
Yeah, we get a lot of back and forth on the length of videos that people like. Some want longer with more information, some want shorter and quicker.
I’m a fan of your standard format. I also have no attention span so I need my content quicker, so summarizing the turns as you do works great for me. Too much detail gets lost for me.
Yeah, we may have to do two different kinds of videos, long cut and short cut.
I think the Emperor’s Children warband rules are benindg, benindg, BENDING….Think about it with the bikes– take six full biker squads with three doom sirens each (two from meltaguns and one on the champion) then give everyone else sonic blasters. Since they are replacing the bolters, they are twin linked, can move, fire in the heavy mode, then assault. With initative 5. So, throw in the sorcerer on a bike to clump people up for the 3(!) doom sirens per squad, dump 27 sonic blaster shots on them, then assault at iniative 5. Yeah. That makes the Ravenwing go cry in a corner.
Did frankie take toughness tests on his units that took wounds from flickering fire? He could have gotten some feel no pain love.
He may have forgotten.
Yeah, we forgot about Warpflame. I also forgot about the blue horror counters (or whatever they’re called). I’m still relatively new with the new daemons.
One thing I noticed, the Tau Markerlight counters are removed at the end of each phase, so they don’t get to stay on for later overwatch goodness. To use markerlights with overwatch, you need to fire the markerlight unit with supporting fire first. You can give them that jigger that makes overwatch at BS2, or prescience the unit… or foreboading with one of Tau’s bro-fist allies.
Love that Grimoire and Forewarning trick, that had *just* dawned on me too, I hadn’t had a chance to try it yet, seems to work like a charm.
I also really like the combo of S6 Flickering Fire and an enfeebled unit. There’s a lot of T4 out there, and if you do gift them “Feel no Pain” you can just as easily take it away with this combo.
One thing I’ve enjoyed is the Grimoire in combination with Kairos Fateweaver, so you can re-roll that 3+ if you fail it. Kairos can also be quite beastly as a flying shooting platform, with Infernal Gateway, Bolt of Change, potentially Molten Beam from Pyromancy, and he’s lvl 4 (so can sink 4D6 into Flickering Fire and still launch a bolt of change, at BS6)
Yeah, that Grimoire+Forewarning+Tzeentch is BS. Why in the hell GW allows a 2++ rerollable save is beyond me. It make the unit essentially indestructible with only a 1/36 chance of a wound sticking. It is just too much.
Good catch on the Markerlight counters, we had not seen that. That makes a HUGE difference.
It definitely makes the big unit of Horrors a little bit scary. You’re not going to kill any of them, and with the +1S Psychic Power locus, they’re putting out a lot of shots.
Charge ’em in combat and sit there… for the rest of the game.
150 points for the Herald (lvl 3, Locus, Grimoire), 180 for the Horrors.
And if they’re prescienced, they can be your anti-flier! S6 with that much volume is all one really needs.
Not only that, but each of my Tzeentch FMC’s can skyfire in their own right. They can hurt necron scythes and go after rear armor of flyers like helturkeys and vendettas.
Fortunately for everyone else, daemons can only give 1 unit a re-rollable 2++. The way you play against that is to ignore that unit and shoot down the easier-to-kill units. Seekers with 2++ are a pain….but at least they’re not re-rollable.
I could’ve used Fateweaver and his re-rolls in one of my games….I failed with the Grimoire for 4 straight turns! Needless to say, that was a painful game.