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It’s Go Time!

bay area open logo

After all the preparation, anticipation and hard work, both TO’s and attendees are ready for one of the biggest and best tournaments (if we do say so ourselves!) of the year: The Bay Area Open 2013!

So, some last minute guidelines, updates, etc.

  1. The entrance to the fairgrounds is off of 10th street in Antioch. You will see a big red sign that reads: Contra Costa County Fairgrounds. You pull in here and pass through the red chain link fence you will see in front of you. Drive down the road about a quarter mile and you will see our great big building on your right, next to a big field. You can’t miss it, the big roll-up door will be open and you will see nerds and gaming tables galore!
  2. Bring Cash! No ATMs at the Fairgrounds.
  3. We will be selling Pizza at $2 a slice at lunch time (but you are free to bring your own food or go out to one of the many, close Fast Food joints), and all day we will have sodas and water for $1, Candy Bars for $1, and Chips for $0.75.
  4. You will be able to order a BAO T-Shirt if you didn’t get one, we won’t have any extras, but we can have more printed, they came out really cool!
  5. We will be selling product, as will a lot of our sponsors. Our goodies will be at a really attractive discount, so be sure to check it out! We will have a square reader for running credit cards.
  6. We will be video taping parts of the event for use in promotional materials, so just let us know if you don’t want to be in it and we won’t film you.
  7. Come with a good attitude and be ready to have a blast!

See you there!

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