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Dark Angels Rumor Compilation

Lion El’Johnson

These rumors were kindly compiled by Naftka over at Faeit212. Enjoy!

This gives us a massive collection of Dark Angel rumors over the last several months, and its very large (warning). We have not head anything recently regarding Dark Angels, but of course, CSM’s have taken up most of the rumors of late.

These are listed chronologically just so we can see the evolution of the rumors and if something has changed, the latest rumors should take precedence.

I am hoping that we can dig out a new set of Dark Angel rumors soon, but this is a good starting place to look forward to the next codex.

Please remember that these are rumors.

via Stickmonkey 9-28

I just heard a rumor that there is a AA option for DA dreads…one that will likely make it to all chapters eventually.

Codex release at the end of November pre-orders and a release in December

So PA command squad could get a single heavy weapon, apoth, standard, etc. A TA squad the same, but that the RW command squad was 3 bikes and a attack bike w hvy weapon, or 5 bikes, but not a LS. The history here does not point to GW breaking the concept that a RW full squad is still 10 man strong, 6 bikes, a AB, and a LS.

DA version of Vanguard?

Most like. But they have some form of hunters from hyperspace type rule in addition. And they might have some new DA special weapons…dark claws or dark swords, you know, to egg on the stereotypes..

Deathwing Terminators

SB, PS, LC, TH, SS, AC, AssC, PC, HF, CML, CF, PA, and PF are all the options I’ve heard rumored. Default is standard SB PF, Sgt w SB PS. Of note, AC and the PASS combo both are new info that’s been whispered to me.

Plasma Predator

Heard a deviant rumor that they have meltagun sponsons as an option too…

So PC, AC, LasC w HB, HF, MG sponsons. Supposed to be a new kit with BA Pred style sponsons and DA icons included.


Sounds like the HVY slot dread is the standard, and the specialist DA dread is Elite. and either can be upgraded to ven…for what that’s worth now.

via Tasty Taste 9-28

Let us start with the Dark Angel  release of November… all I can say is this…….no

Dark Angels will be coming out but won’t out till Jan-Feb 2013

I actually don’t think they are getting a Flyer. 

Inner Circle sorta fits with what I have been hearing. 

Super Techmarine sounds like the answer to the Warpsmith. 

Fortification is pretty solid, but don’t expect army specific fortifications just yet it should be an addition to the current list.

Here is some tip bits of what I know about the new Dark Angel codex that should hold you over.

Expect Dark Angels to be the ones that get Hatred: Chaos Space Marines.

In fact, expect a “hatred type” trend to continue especially considering the addition of Allies.

GW wants (along fluff lines) to have armies counter other armies in extremely specific ways. In addition, and I am going to be nice and vague about this, but I bet you can figure it out if you do some research. The new major unit for Dark Angels is something  Games Workshop is currently in court over over with a certain other company that already made them. If that doesn’t ring a bell, let me say it is a unit that perhaps only the Masters of the 2nd Companies would know about.

via Stickmonkey 9-26

Right now info I have is we will see DA in November, and we can play with them before Christmas.

From the rules rumor dept I have a few bits, please bear in mind these are only rumors:



Belial – not needed for deathwing

Sammael – not needed for ravenwing



Barakiel – named Techmarine/master of the forge! Note: barakiel is known as Angel of Lightning in references

Sabrael – guardian of the inner circle, gives bonus to inner circle unit


Company Master TA option

Interrogator chaplain

Command squad ( option to take TA or bikes with Belial or Sammael respectively, and apothecary, standard bearer, 1 heavy weapon)



Chaplains (x3 can function independently like sanguinary priests in BA, or form a unit w special rules). Only characters if independent.

Inner circle unit ( name is not known) tasked with hunting down one enemy unit, special rules for doing so. Can death wing assault, can assault on deep strike. But glass cannon, great in assault, but standard PA so will be easily shot up.

Brother-interrogators – this unit wears chaplain style death masks, but are not chaplains, they are a specialist unit adept at near range combat, standard armament is dual bolt pistols and power maul. Can upgrade pistols.






Tactical squad

Ravenwing Bike squad not sure how it differs from ravenwing assault squad.


Ravenwing assault squad

Ravenwing support squad

Assault marines

Ravenclaw air superiority fighter



Whirlwind w flakk options

Land raider

Devastator w flakk options



Rumor is there is something else for the heavy slot too, but no info specific to it.


Siege cannon ( this is supposedly the Techmarine cannon described earlier)

Battle bunker

That’s enough to chew on for now….might be a few more surprises…and this is still just RUMOR folks…names and all.

Land speeder storm was also in the FA slot, according to sources.

No mention of excessive plasma-ness in this round.

Phil did say that. However, there has also been much debate over getting appropriate xenos fortifications into the mix. They have eldar, ork and tyranid terrain just waiting to be produced that I know of. Maybe next summer will be summer of fortifications. 😛

Standard Dedicated Transports are there, Rhino, razorback, and Drop Pods. I have conflicting rumors the Land Raider is in as a Dedicated Transport for Terminators.

Also in discussions at Games Day, the StormTalon is to remain a Codex Space Marines only vehicle.

Mixed terminator squads: Earlier rumor was mixed squad remained, however, cyclones could only be taken on SB marines. I haven’t heard any more on this, that was a while ago, it really could go either way. I wouldn’t build any more or tear apart those you have just yet.

the company master for DA in TA will be a single plastic character blister. It will include some options for loadout but not all, but will be blinged out like the DV termies.

the new landspeeder

Its bigger than the StormTalon, but the fuselage has a landspeeder style to it. I took it to mean squarish. The wings are supposedly fanned forward like an Aquila. And others have mentioned it would not take much to make this look like the chapter symbol, but I haven’t heard anything on this.

The single character sprues have plenty of space on them for options. Look at what is packed onto a character finecast sprue. You have Arjak in a smaller finecast sprue and he’s in TA, then you have Draigo with head swaps. I don’t find it at all implausible they could have 2-3 weapons, perhaps a sword, a storm bolter or a combi weapon all on the sprue. Also, IIRC there was a single sprue terminator released with WD with the starter release for 5th. Granted, it was just a starter terminator, but it certainly fits in the character sprue sized thoughts.

From what I have heard there is a death wing upgrade character, a tactical upgrade character, a ravenwing upgrade character, and a scout upgrade character, namaan being one of these.

via Stickmonkey 9-17

Ok boys and girls. Not going so far as to call these rumors, as I have word only of some drawn art assets, but it could point to potential models and rules so passing it along.



Got some art of an attack bike with what could be a plasma blaster in the gunner side. definitely plasma. but multiple barrels. could also just be TLPG but the source said it was one weapon not side by side when asked.

Second shot has a squadron of bikes, 6 bikes + attack bike riding down orks, in the air is a landspeeder, but it has underslung missle pods. Could certainly be creative license.


Got art of Termie with a plasma cannon, back pack and hoses running behind.

Termies fighting chaos, one with LC and Cyclone launcher, the rest SB and PF, SGT in front with PS. Lends credence to mixed squads being present.


Art of supposed new flyer does very much resemble the lightning, with a landspeeder-esque body.

Shot of chaplain in TA fighting a hellbrute. So obviously wasn’t meant for DV as that chaplain is PA.

Techmarine firing unknown weapon. Looks like a punisher cannon. supported with servo harness and held at hip. one servo arm is feeding belt ammo into it.

Like I said, no idea if any of this will be used, but it certainly is interesting towards rumors.

Could that Techmarine weapon be the new siege weapon you mentioned earlier?

Doubtful, the siege weapon was described as a tracked platform…like the thunderfire. this art is a single techmarine with a heavy weapon.

One thing, I’ve gotten a lot of rumors winging my way of techmarines. IMHO I am not certain some of it might not be for something else down the road. There is no particular fluff reason I’m aware of DA would have a greater than normal emphasis on TM. Iron hands, sure. But not DA.

Edit: Or possible as a first founding chapter there is just more artificer armor present and the art is being mistaken for techmarines…

The new aircraft sounds like it’s sleeker than the Storm Talon, which is also promising.

Don’t count on it…my source called it a “Pregnant Albatross”. Said it has a big engine intake behind the cockpit.

via Stickmonkey 9-10

Ok, debated posting this, as my sourcing is thin here. But I figured I would go ahead and pass it along, just know that this is very very tenuous, so place a large shaker of salt along side it.

The DA siege model is a DA only Techmarine with what I’m being told is a Mole Mortar. Now, those of you who have been around as long as I have (Hello RT) know the Mole Mortar was a Squat weapon that fired a tunneling shell. In my opinion and so far as i know, this really doesn’t have fluff or other basis to be DA only, but then you look at some of the other new stuff, and I don’t know.

From my informant…

The model is a tracked platform, similar in size to the thunder fire cannon. Techmarine rides on a platform to the side and has a harness with a single shell it is loading into the top of the mortar. The mortar is a cylinder angled into the ground, target screen off to the side where the Techmarine is manipulating it. Two additional models appear as shells bursting from the ground. One assumes they are some form of placement marker for the devices effect. Both Techmarine and mortar have DA iconography. Finecast.

Again, this is rumor, I’m just passing it along.

Also, with regard to Sammael. He is on the new release list I saw. Now he was just finecasted this summer, so he would not be on that list unless he’s a new model or a new to finecast model. Well with him being release in finecast, he’s not the later. So either the information was bogus to begin with, or we should have a new Sammael in one form or another in a few months time.

via Stickmonkey 9-6

Despite the WD cover, I am hearing Nov/Dec timeframe. Not sure if this is reveal in Nov WD (released in Oct) release in Nov, or reveal in Dec WD…the way the rumors are flowing its getting very difficult to be sure what is meant.

Here’s what my sources have passed along:


New Azrael – PA, helmet on and off options, still with a watcher model holding combi-plasma (supposedly the watchers have an expanded role on table top now, but this is the first I’ve hear of this and no details given, so lots of skepticism.)

Azmodai – TA

Ezekial model staying the same.

Ravenwing Bike captain

Named Sargeant (Nameth?)

Belial gets a model

Sammael gets a new model (I am not certain, but this could be the bike captain being mistaken)


Landspeeder-esq flyer. (we’ve heard this before, so could be rehash) Has Aquila like wings. TLAC, TML, TLPC, TLHvyB (sounded like these were options, not that it had them all at once)

Plasma Pred (heard this before, too) TLPC turret. 

Deathwing Box (new to me) AC, Cyclone Launcher, THSS x2, LC x2, PS x1, PC, HF, PF x5, SB x5, CF x2 (Lots of bits there, consistent with the load of extras in things like the Space wolf Termies, Plasma Cannon Termie? IBIWISI)

New Dreadnought type. Mortis options.

Inner Circle box. Elites. Robed PA. dual unit box. one is CC focus, the other is dual pistols (gunslingers, anyone?) one version uses chaplain helmets.

Seige unit. (not many details given on this, sounds like techmarine thunderfire type unit, hoping to get more on this)

via Faeit 212 (anonymous commentor) 9-5

AnonymousSeptember 4, 2012 9:59 AM

Dark Angels will have at least 3 units never seen before, not including special characters. Plus, there is another flyer + FAQ wave coming.

via Faeit 212 (a Must Remain Anonymous Source) 8-23

… The DA codex will have a new choice in bipode heavy media mortis to be appointed and will have two guns.

It’s just the Dreadnought.  DA Dreadnoughts can purchase an offhand autocannon or missile launcher as normal, upgrade their primary gun as normal, or replace both arms with a pair of matching guns to be deemed “Mortis.”

there will be a new character that ought to choose allies from other codex (called guard?) as a troop choice …

This is backwards, one character prevents you from taking allies from Guard.

about the Deathwing I heard something about a box containing two hammers and shield and weapon type weapon nemesis that should give FNP to 2 +

The apothecary is FNP 5+ like normal, only one unit per army, there is a similar-to-warding staff option but not as good and for librarians as it uses a warp charge but is an automatic psychic power that can be shut down only by runic weapons and the like.

there will be new variants of land speeder … (And perhaps also one that makes the functions of the storm talon)

Correct, the Tempest basically.  It’s can Zoom, comes with a twin-linked assault cannon (not on a turret) and typhoon launcher.

the “Blazing Sword” is something that has to do with the ravenwing ….

No idea what he’s talking about.

The presence of 3 banners that will characterize the army and the command team. 

Replacement for the distributed per-squad banners.  These are a lot like the SM special characters, they grant a USR for the whole army when purchased and are very expensive, must be modeled (but come as raised image banners in the DA character box) and still apply even if the banner is lost.  It’s just a visual representation of a way to place points.

Note: This is also the current direction for the next SM release, where Combat Tactics is renamed Chapter Tactics and is replaced by paying a surcharge on your HQ, instead of having to buy specific characters.

Named characters still impose their Chapter Tactics as per normal, and are cheaper than a standard HQ + ChapterTax, but it’s a nice alternative.

the DA will have different rules on the use of plasma weapons .. something warming … to represent the fact that they are experts in using these weapons.

They can reroll failed armor saves against Gets Hot! and vehicles get to reroll its 4+ to avoid the hull point.

New aircraft is introduced into the codex DA will not be the storm Talon.

That would be the tempest from above

the cyclone missile launcher will have an AA if the model remains stationary for that turn.

Close but no cigar.  Remaining stationary lets you reroll misses with Cyclone launchers against flyers.

There will be new options for the predator.

Plasma Destroyer Turret, heavy 3 plasma cannon, no plasma cannon sponsons.

WW AA will have the option as an upgrade and 3 different types of missile to choose before the game.

Replace both Castellan and Vengeance with Helios Missile launcher for free.  Heavy 1, Twin Linked, Skyfire Interceptor.

special character chaplain will be introduced

He’s not new, it’s Asmodai.  He’s just making a come back.

there will be new psychic powers and will be given space to a couple of new units that are not present in the previous codex.

The first part is true, they get a new Lore with only some resemblance to the current codex.  There are 2 new units (outside of the additions of Vanguard and Sternguard).

There are two basic troops choices and not just one.

Tactical Squad and Deathwing are troops.

it comes to AA missile launchers in the new codex .. I do not know, and this refers to the type of the missile destroyers or to those mentioned above.

Devastators can upgrade to take flakk missiles at +5 points per model, replaces Krak and Frag options.

via Cylon 8-22

“… The DA codex will have a new choice in bipode heavy media mortis to be appointed and will have two guns.

there will be a new character that ought to choose allies from other codex (called guard?) as a troop choice …

about the Deathwing I heard something about a box containing two hammers and shield and weapon type weapon nemesis that should give FNP to 2 +

there will be new variants of land speeder … (And perhaps also one that makes the functions of the storm talon)

the “Blazing Sword” is something that has to do with the ravenwing …. 

The presence of 3 banners that will characterize the army and the command team. 

the DA will have different rules on the use of plasma weapons .. something warming … to represent the fact that they are experts in using these weapons.

New aircraft is introduced into the codex DA will not be the storm Talon.

the cyclone missile launcher will have an AA if the model remains stationary for that turn.

There will be new options for the predator.

WW AA will have the option as an upgrade and 3 different types of missile to choose before the game.

special character chaplain will be introduced

there will be new psychic powers and will be given space to a couple of new units that are not present in the previous codex.

There are two basic troops choices and not just one.

it comes to AA missile launchers in the new codex .. I do not know, and this refers to the type of the missile destroyers or to those mentioned above.

about the release of the codex is a lot of confusion .. should be the first after the new year .. but when it was planned that the book of HH FW plans have been changed since the GW expects many sales and do not want to risk crossing your outputs gw and Fw. “

Came to us from a GW release rumor

– Dark Angels units choose a circle that is kept secret during the game. Only a fraction of the army’s units can take a circle that has an in game effect. Circles can be revealed midgame and grant a special rule depending on the circle.

Here’s a compilation of an early Dark Angels playtest dex 8-2

Anything not included is because it’s the same, or I didn’t notice a difference.

The universal DA rules are ATSKNF, Combat Squad and Stubborn.  HQs are all fearless.



up to WS6, his gun is now a master crafted assault 2 12″ 1 shot plasma, on top of a bolter.  (basically assault instead of rapid fire, but can’t fire at long range) and is fearless.


Also WS6, but is now 170 points and still unlocks DW as troops.

Interrogator Chaplains

140 points, all units within 12″ are fearless, not just his own squad

Rerolls misses and wounds in challenges.  Interrogator chaplains that win challenges against Independent Characters give you +1 victory point in a mission that uses victory points.


Chaplains are now elites and cost 100 points, but you can buy 1-3 of them as a single choice.  They can be upgraded to take specific banners.  At the start of the game they nominate a model in the squad they’re attached to to be their “banner bearer” who must be modeled appropriately with the specific banner.  If the chaplain later leaves the squad, the banner remains.

Furious charge USR, reroll armor saves against overwatch wounds when charging a unit within 6″ of an objective

Counter attack USR, reroll misses with overwatch when within 6″ of an objective

Reroll wounds against models within 6″ of an objective with shooting, reroll wounds in a close combat that takes place within 6″ of an objective

[Note: These are playtest rules, hence why these all seem very similar.  Either they are intended to have a theme, or they’re intended to be playtested and the most popular is kept]

Deathwing Terminator Squads are 215 points base, can swap to lightning claws for free, pay 5 points for thunder hammer / storm shield, and only models with storm bolter / powerfist or chainfist can take the cyclone missile launcher upgrade, which is now 30 points.

Deathwing assault works a little bit differently.  All Deathwing units and models in terminator armour attached to Deathwing units now come down on the first turn via deep strike without a roll if you wish you make a “Deathwing assault.”

It specifically notes, however, the limitations of no more than 50% of your army being allowed in reserve, and that independent characters whether attached to a squad or not, count as a unit.

[Note: This would mean if you want 2 deathwing units + a character to deathwing assault turn 1, you’d need 3 units on the table.  But if you somehow had 5 units on the table, and 3 units of Deathwing + 2 HQs on the table, all 5 would Deathwing assault turn 1.]

Dreadnoughts are a bit cheaper on points base, can be upgraded to venerable, and can upgrade their dreadnought close combat weapon to any ranged weapon (not just missile launcher or autocannon)

Sternguard are in, but can swap their bolter for a close-combat weapon if they want.  Any model can upgrade their close combat weapon to a power weapon, lightning claw, power fist or thunder hammer.  Any model with a close combat weapon can swap their bolt pistol for a Storm Shield (20 pts) or take a Combat Shield (5 pts).

Scouts are still elite


Tactical Squad starts with 5 models and can take a special weapon [flamer (free), meltagun (1o points), or plasma gun (15 points)], can buy up to 5 more models at 15 points each.  At 10 models they can take a heavy weapon [Heavy Bolter, Multi-Melta, Missile Launcher (free), Plasma Cannon (5 points), Lascannon (10 points)]

Fast Attack

Assault squads can remove jump pack, and get a 35 point discount on transport vehicle instead of a rhino/drop pod for free, but are otherwise unchanged.

Vanguard are in

Heavy Support

Predators can take a heavy 2 Plasma Cannon turret option

Whirlwind can switch their Vengeance/Castellan missiles for Hyperios missiles for 15 points.  Heavy 2, Twin-Linked krak missiles, with skyfire/interceptor.

No upgrade for Devastators to take skyfire flak missiles.

Additional rumors from an apparent playtester

– Devastators get indeed flakk missiles .. and much more.

– Belial does not make Deathwing unit troops. There is no need for that.

– Regular dreadnoughts (those that can be upgraded to venerable ones) do not get a two weapon set up.

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